Unexpected Pocky Day

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I sat in the comfiest chair in the school's library, reading quite a good book. (Psst: it's Wicked: The Life and Time of the Wicked Witch of the West) It was one of the only books I've read lately that has challenged me. Reading about Miss Galinda and what she thinks of Miss Elphaba was quite interesting. I grabbed my small bag, grabbing a small box of chocolate pocky. Opening it, I pulled out a small stick of candy and popped the end in my mouth. I heard a small growl coming from someone in front of me. Who on earth?

I looked up to find Soul, he was leaning on the arms of the chair, face so close to mine that he could, and in fact did, bite onto the other end of the pocky stick. Me, being my stupid self just bit closer to him. He smirked and also bit closer. Why do you do this to yourself, Maka? The stock was short enough when you first took it out, now we were about an inch and a half away from each other. I made no move to close the gap, neither did Soul. There we sat in a standoff, waiting for one to break. Maybe I did this because I was stupid? Maybe it was because secretly, I wanted this... And had wanted this for a long time?

Fine! I took the last bite, connecting our lips, the candy dissolved in my mouth. Soul was quite confused apparently, as he just stiffened up for a little while before leaning more into the kiss. He was the one who broke the kiss though, eventually.

"Ha! I won!" I cried and smirked. I was assaulted by a chorus of shhhhhhs. Oh... Right. We're in a library. "That was dirty." I whispered to him, angrily.

He smirked at me, muttered under his breath, "Well I love you too." And walked off.

I was so shocked that I took a moment to gather myself before throwing a bookmark in my book, closing it with a bang, and ran out of the library after him. I followed him down the hallway, out into the foyer, around the back of the school and into the always empty playground. He sat on the swing set, legs kind of swinging beneath him. I sat on the swing next to him.

"Is it true?" I asked, swinging slightly.

"Yeah." He said.

"Well... I love you too." I looked down as I leaned back, but me being my dumb self, forgot to hold on. So, as I leaned back, my head hit the ground, my legs slipping as my back scraped against the wood chipped ground, my left knee sliding against the chain, then my right ankle against the opposite chain, definitely hurting something. Great, I just confessed my feelings to my 'crush' and already I have been the biggest, stupidest, clutz ever. Soul began laughing so hard that he had to hold his sides from laughing too hard. He eventually fell onto the ground too, he laughed so hard that I laughed too.

A/N: I love this last part. Only because literally that happened to me. Except I didn't confess to my crush, I just you know... Kind of fell off of the swing in front of him. My older sister and my crush were the only people who saw me... And he said nothing.

God... Kill my feelings sometimes. I kind of just want it to go away sometimes.

I love the way you guys comment. I just love reading them.

Dedicated to:

(Sorry about forgetting this earlier)
Anyways, thanks, Angels!


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