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I walked down the hallway of DWMA, books in hand, when I overheard a conversation, probably meant to be private. It sounded like the school's bookworm and the school's coolest bad boy. "Sorry, Soul, but I have a major study night planned that night."

"But Maka!" I heard him whine. Imagine that! The bad boy whined!

"I told you, I'm sorry. But you need to let me get to class."

Speaking of getting to class, my class was at the opposite end of the school, I think. I'm a new student at DWMA, Death Weapon Meister Academy, which was apparently named along time ago as a ward against evil. Honestly, it was a regular school, there was nothing to do with 'death weapons' or 'meisters'. It was just a regular academy, known for it's outstanding courses and achievements of past students.

"Oh, Kei, I wasn't expecting you today. Will you please introduce yourself to the class?"

Translation: You talk about yourself, so I don't have to teach for a minute.

"Of course, Professor," I turned to the class, "I'm Kei," I heard some students scoff.

One even remarked to his friend, "As if we didn't hear Professor Stein say it already, lame."

"Um, I moved hear from Arcade, New York. I used to go to Pioneer, but I got bullied a lot and last year, even though I was only in eighth grade, attempted to take my own life. So my parents thought it would be best if I came here, where there, apparently, is no bullying. Ummm.... I'm looking for some people to become really good friends with. Thanks in advance!" The whole room was silent after I said that I attempted suicide. But it was true, I really dislike bullies.

I sat next to 'the school bookworm' who somehow got here before me. She pulled out a page from her science notebook and wrote a note, passing it to me. It said, 'I'm Maka Albarn, Nice to meet you. I like studying and I have some friends, but not many. I heard you need friends, would you consider becoming mine?'

I wrote back, 'I would love to. Sorry about adding the bit about my suicide attempt, but I overheard someone call me "lame"... I really don't want to slip back into that dark place.'

'Don't worry, my friends and I won't let that happen. We'll be like sisters!'

'I'd like that.'

I returned my attention to Professor Stein, who was talking about the table of elements.

After class, Maka finally spoke to me, "Hey, I'm sorry to hear that you attempted suicide... I must've been hard to make that decision,"

"Actually, I wasn't thinking about it at the time, I just wanted all of it to stop." I replied.

She stopped and looked at me before giving me a big hug. I was so surprised that I didn't know how to respond. She pulled away and said, "There, don't you feel better?"

I was almost breathless... I started crying, "That's the first hug I've ever gotten from somebody outside of my family. Thank you."

She smiled, "No problem."

I felt someone behind me. I thought it was a bully, wanting to punch me to the ground and kick me until I bled, I turned around asking quickly, "Who're you?!"

He looked confused, "I'm Soul, who're you? and why were you hugging my girlfriend?"

"I-I'm Kei, and u-u-um," before I could answer his second question, Maka cut in.

"Soul, I am NOT your girlfriend!"

"But why not!"

"Because I have to keep my grades up, if a boy comes into the picture, they go 'bye bye'!" I motioned to her that I had to get to class and she waved me on.

I quickly ran to Math (or Maths for you englanders!). Once I reached the Algebra room, I, once again, introduced myself to the class and sat down.

After school, I started walking home when I saw Maka, waving to me. I walked over to her and she invited me to meet some of her friends at a local coffee shop. I agreed and we walked to the place. It was cutely covered in all types of coffee themed decorations, we sat down and out waiter was, Soul?!

I took an iced coffee, while she ordered a hot chocolate. As we waited for our drinks, her friends walked in and introduced themselves. There was a kid with spiky blue hair, named Black⭐Star. He was loud. A sweet girl, named Tsubaki, a boy with black hair with three white stripes in it, Death the Kid, and some blonde haired sisters named Liz and Patty.

As our drinks arrived, Maka gasped quickly. I looked at her funny and she motioned towards the cup. In whipped cream were the words 'Will you go to prom with me, bookworm? ~ Soul'.

"Aw, that's sweet. After he took the others' orders, he looked at her and she nodded. As he 'walked' away, he did a victory dance.

"Prom is this weekend, do you want to come with me to pick a dress?" She asked.

I nodded and asked, "But, where I'm from, only juniors and seniors can go to prom. Is it different here?"

She shrugged, "It may only be at DWMA, but anyone in the academy can go to prom."


That weekend, we went dress shopping. Maka found a gorgeous emerald green one that matched her eyes so well. She looked fabulous. I found a sundress type, but it was black with white curly-ques covering it. Maka said it went great with my red hair, and she insisted on buying it for me.

I thanked her tenfold and we went home to prepare for the dance. When I got to the dance I found that it was set up for a bunch of people, but not a lot of people had shown up. I heard Maka behind me saying, "Lots of students go freshmen year and decide that it's not their thing, so they don't come again. But it's so pretty."

I nodded. Soul asked her to dance and she accepted. I watched them glide across the floor, as the store sweetly into each others' eyes. It was pretty romantic.

After awhile, I went home and later found out in school on Monday, that I had missed Maka's first kiss.

It had been stolen, by Soul.

A/N: Awwwww... So much fluff.

Okay so has anyone ever had one of those days where you're shaving in the shower and you just nick a spot on your leg and it starts bleeding? Well, that was me today, except I nicked one ankle, and then the other in the same exact place. I swear it was an accident. And they wouldn't stop bleeding until I had been out of the shower for about ten minutes and finally found bandaids and put them on. And they bled into the bandaids for a while. They still sting four hours later. It's just one of those days.

By the way, that was my OC, named Kei. I will be writing her backstory and publishing it, hopefully soon. I didn't come up with the names of 'Arcade' or 'Pioneer' they are real places. Do I live there? you'll never know!

Dedicated to:


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