We Don't Have To Dance

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A/N: Before I start, I want you to know that I don't do a lot of angst because... It's not that I don't like it, it's just... SENPAI doesn't know how! So teach me senpai's! Anyways... Enjoy!

I stood there, back against the wall. She walked in, her hair blonde, dyed with black tips, her eyes outlined with kohl. Her lips a dark emerald, the same color as her eyes. She was wearing a slutty outfit, just like the rest of them. But she was different, of course. Maka... She had gone to live with her father after losing her memories and, when she saw me waiting for her in her hospital room she thought I was a stalker. Her father had agreed with her, pushing her away from me in every possible way. She had recently become like him, something she never wanted to be.

She had been going to clubs constantly, flirting with all of the guys but, thankfully, never getting drunk enough to leave with them as I would always sweep in and bring her home before she made that reckless decision.

We don't have to talk

Today I had sprayed my hair completely black, I knew it would wash out tomorrow morning, and wore a typical emo outfit, band tee-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans which were so uncomfortable. But it was all for Maka. After scouring the room for someone to flirt with, she began to walk over to me.

"Hey, do you want to have a drink or something?" She asked.

"No thanks." I looked over her shoulder, staring blankly at the dance floor.

"Well how about a dance then?"

We don't have to dance

"No thanks. I don't dance." I kept my face emotionless as I let her down.

We don't have to smile
We don't have to make friends

"Oh, come on! I know you want to." I just looked at her like... Really? "Oh, don't be a party pooper!"

"Yeah, I don't think so."

It's so nice to meet you
Let's never meet again

"Come on, Soul." She looked at me as if she completely remembered me.

"Sorry, who?" I asked.

"Come on, I know you, you've been coming back to me in memories, better ones everyday. I've been trying to find you."

We don't have to talk

I just stared at her. Her memories were coming back? What?! Why would she keep going to the clubs? "For your attention," she replied as if she'd heard my thoughts.

We don't have to dance

"Fine, we're going home, I'm not gonna' dance." I grabbed her elbow, leading her out of the crazy building.

"Can I go home with you?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah, let's go home."

We don't have to dance

A/N: So there you go. That was my first try at angsting. I didn't angst.

I'm sorry... Someone school me!


Song: We Don't Have To Dance by: Andy Black (honestly my song of the week.)

70 parts! Yay!
Thanks, Angels!


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