9 months... (Part 1)

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Month 1
The young woman, one year into her loving marriage with her husband, a very caring and wonderfully unique person. She sat on the toilet, the lid down and fully clothed. She had washed the test off along with her hands.

And now she just sat.

Her left hand held her test steady in front of her face, which was covered in tears and her right hand, trying to cover the audible sobs of joy coming from her mouth which was pulled into a humongous smile.

The tears streaming down her face finally stopped and she washed her face with cold water before working up enough courage to face her husband with this wonderful news. Yes, it was very good news and he was bound to be excited but should she tell him a surprising way? No of course not. She slipped the positive test into her pocket before opening the door to find her husband, up and about, lounging on the couch. Sitting next to him, so close his leg was fully touching hers. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Is there something wrong, Maka?" He asked, kissing her hair.

She smiled to herself, "No, nothing's wrong....." She smiled up at him, and kissed him softly. "I have something to tell you, Soul."

She smiled at him and he tightened his arm around her, "I get scared when you say stuff like that, Maka. What is it?"

"Well, actually it's something I need to show you." She fished her hand into her deep pocket, feeling the hard plastic in between her fingers. "Don't be scared. There's no need." She kissed her husband once more before pulling out the test, giving it to him, plus side down.

He looked at her confused before flipping over the test and examining it. "Is this?" He asked, another confused look coming over his face.

She smiled, nodding, "Yeah... It's real, Soul. I'm pregnant." 

His lips formed the biggest smile Maka had ever seen, "Maka! That's great! This is amazing! We're gonna be parents!"

He hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around. He kissed her passionately, "Maka, you're gonna' be a mom!"

He placed his hand on her stomach, "We have to tell everyone!"

"No!" She cried, loudly.

"What? Why?" He asked, setting her down and looking into her eyes.

"Soul." Her arms fell onto his chest, hands splayed across his shirt, "We still have a chances for miscarriage until the first trimester is complete. I don't want to risk the chance of telling everyone and then telling everyone we miscarried. I don't want to go through that pain." She looked down.

He pulled her face up to meet his by placing two fingers under her chin. "Hey, hey... It's alright. But just promise me that after the first trimester goes fine, we'll tell everyone."

"Fine, as long as we can tell Papa right now. I need someone besides you, sorry. Just... Someone who's been through it before." She giggled, "He'll be so happy."

"Yeah, he'd probably kill me if we weren't married." He gently kissed her forehead.

She laughed, "He'll probably still kill you, ya' big lug!" She smacked him upside the head before pulling his collar and kissing him again.

Baby Journal (Entry One)

Dear Baby,

This is your mother. I'm writing this the night after Daddy and I found out about you. We can't wait to see you already. We love you, no matter the gender or size or disease or problems. We love you so much already. Have a safe journey Baby, we can't wait to meet you.


A/N: I've decided to do a mini series, a pregnancy series based on the inspiration taken from my real life.

No I'm not pregnant, but my cousin and his wife are pregnant.

Thanks for reading!


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