chapter 5

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Hermione had no idea why they would pick malfoy to be Headboy. He was an ex deatheater for crying out loud. Everyone true to look at a pale faced Hermione.

Ginny said "what's wrong"? Hermione continued to look at the ground lost in thought. Ginny pulled that letter out of Hermiones hand and read it out loud. Ron and harry stood up at the same time. Ron knocked over his drink by hitting the table which startled everyone.

Ron yelled "who the bloody hell would want malfoy to be head boy"! "Were they even thinking"! "Hes a bloody deatheater". Hermione went over and rubbed his arm trying to calm him down. She said "McGonagall is a smart person i think she knows what she's doing". "Maybe hes changed"?

Ron jerked away and hit the table again causing everyone to jump. "Hermione are you insane"! "He's a bloody malfoy". "He worked for the other side and dont you remember everything he's done to us"! "Everything he's done to you" ! Hermione looked into Rons eyes and said "yes I remember but that doesn't mean people can't change".

Ron stormed off to the staircase and said "since you think he could change so much maybe he should be your boyfriend"! "I don't know how he would fall in love with a mudblood like you granger"! And with that Ron stormed up stairs.

Harry went charging after Ron looking like he was going to punch him. A single tear started to fall down Hermiones cheek. Ginny took her outside and sat in the grass with her and tried to comfort her. Harry then came outside with slightly red knuckles and sat beside Hermione. He hugged Hermione and she let her tears flow in the arms of harry and ginny.

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