chapter 7

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After Malfoy left Hermione got her robes and then went to George's joke shop. When she walked in it was very crowded. She finally saw Harry and Ginny talking to George.

She walked over and said "hi George". He smiled and said "hey what do you think of the shop"? She said "it's amazing George"! "Thanks"said George with a smile. We started to talk about the store but spme customers needed help so he had to go.

Hermione turned around to talk to harry and ginny. She asked "where's Ron at"? Harry and Ginny looked at each other and then Harry said "well Ron was here but he told us he had somewhere to be and he left". Hermione asked "where is he"? Ginny said "well that's the thing we dont know".

Hermione stood there lost in thought. Where did he go? He didn't even tell them why he was leaving or where he was going. Did he need some more supplies. Or maybe hes just in the back of Georges shop? Hermione said to Harry and Ginny "im gonna go ask George if he's seen Ron ill be right back". Harry said "when you come back do you want to go to the ice shop"? She replied alright.

Hermione walked over to George and said "do you know were Ron is"? "No I don't sorry Hermione". She said "its alright do you want to come to the ice cream shop with us"? George said "sure but only if its all on me" he said with a big smile. They walked to the shop with harry and ginny.

George and Hermione were talking about the shop and harry and ginny were walking while holding hands. Harry opened the door to the shop and said "lady's first, go ahead George". Everyone laughed and George said "ha ha very funny" in a sarcastic way. Harry then said " me and George will get the ice cream and Hermione and ginny go find us a table".

Hermione walked to the back of the shop and saw a couple kissing each other. She was about to leave so they can have privacy until she saw who it was. It was Ron and lavender. Before Hermione knew what was going on ginny cams over and yelled "RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING"! Harry and George ran over and said "whats going on"?

Ron jumped back from lavender. His face was now as red as his hair. Lavender just smirked and sat back in her chair. Hermione didn't know what was going on. Just when she thought nothing could get worse Malfoy walked in. He asked "what's going on"? Ron sneered "get out of her Malfoy before you regret coming in here, its None of your business".

Malfoy ignored Ron and reached his hand out to a crying Hermione touched her arm. He said "Granger what's wrong, what's going on"? Hermione turned to Ron and said "im breaking up with Ronald" with tears in her eyes. Ron said "no no this is not what it looks-" Hermione cut him off and said "then what is it Ronald" through tears.

Malfoy said "did you kiss lavender weasley"! Ron ran at malfoy and put his finger on his chest and said "stay out of this Malfoy"! Malfoy grabbed his arm and twisted it and threw him on the ground. Then malfoy start punching and kicking Ron and said "you don't deserve Granger you little prat". Ron was bleeding all over and then Harry and George pulled Malfoy off of him. Malfoy said "if I ever see you hurt granger again you wil regret it".

Hermione was pouring tears. She had just been cheated on, then broke up with her boyfriend, then watched him get beat by Malfoy. And the thing is she didnt even care. Ron deserve what he got. But why did Malfoy do it? Why did he protect her? Hermione wanted to go to malfoy for some reason and talk to him. Does she have feelings for him? Does he like her back?

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