chapter 17

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Hermione woke up that morning with big arms around her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Draco. "Good morning Hermione" he said with the biggest smile Hermiones ever seen. She growned and buried he face in her chest and closed her eyes again. Draco laughed "either you can't keep your hands off of me or your super tired, i think its the first one" he had a big smirk and put his arm around her.

She laughed "i think you have a big head you should get it checked by madam pomfrey". "And while your at it see if she can do anything about your ego". "I see some one is grumpy in the mornings" Draco said as she gave him a cold glare. She got in his face and said "oh really draco"? "Woah woah woah come down Granger calm down" he laughed. She was about to yell at him but he pressed his lips against hers. She tried to resist but he wouldn't let her. She finally gave in and kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he had his hands in her hair. They continued to kiss until she broke it off and they put there heads together.

She could smell his breath and it was like green apples. She looked him in the eyes and said "that is so not fair"! He laughed again and said "well your were about to yell at me what else was i suppose to do". "Listen to it" she laughed and he joined. He said "do you want some breakfast"? Her face lit up "can we eat in the great hall"? He frowned "you know I have to watch over you and I can't do that from the Slytherin table".

She said "please, pretty please"? He sighed "fine but i have to sit at the Gryffindor table with you, and only if you give me a kiss". She looked like she was going to jump for joy when he agreed. She about to off to her room to get dressed until draco grabbed her wrist "dont forget about the kiss". She laughed at him and kissed his cheek. "What was that" he frowned. "I expected more than that" while crossing his arms. "All is fair in love in war" she laughed at the expression on his face.

She took off running up stairs to get dressed. When she was all ready she came down to see Draco already ready. She walked up beside him "you get ready fast". He grabbed her hand and led her to the portrait hole "not really I just got down here". "Ladys first" he said while opening the door. She smiled "wow you've become such a gentleman, im impressed". He smirked "why thank you Granger i was wondering if you would notice".

When the got to the great hall they sat across Ginny and Harry and Ron mouth dropped down and he stared. Draco laughed "don't stare or a fly might fly in your mouth". Ron glared at Draco and closed his mouth. Everyone felt awkward and watched the two of them. Before either of them said anything Hermione said "he's just gonna eat with us for a couple of day because he has to watch over me". "So both of you behave your selfs" she said. Ginny raise her eyebrow at this.

Ron snorted "why does he have to do it Hermione he's a bloody Malfoy he doesn't care for you, why not me or harry". Draco clenched his fist to keep him from out bursting. "At least I respect Hermione enough to not cheat on her like you weasel"! Ron got in his face "say it again"! Draco and Ron were neck and neck and Hermione held her head and said "bloody hell Ron I told you to behave you self stop fight with draco"! "I feel like my heads about to explode". Draco instantly forgot about Ron and all his focus was on Hermione. He took a vile of a potion out of his pocket and poured it in Hermiones drink. "Drink it all madam pomfrey said to give it to you if you get head aches". He went to feel her head to see if she was warm. Ginny raise her eyebrow again along with Harry. Ron on the other hand stormed out of the great hall.

Hermione drank all her drink and draco poured her some pumpkin juice. He placed his hand on her leg to comfort her. Ginny noticed this but kept her mouth closed for now. Hermione was going to get some serious questioning soon. Harry finally broke the silence "so why did madam pomfrey pick you and not one of her friends"? "No offense" he added quickly. Draco smiled "its fine i understand i guess she told me to because im with Hermione all the time and we share the dorm so it would be easier to take care of her". Harry nodded, Hermione was surprise at how they were acting.

Draco decided to be the bigger man now. He was done with all the fight he really just wanted to be civil with Hermione and her friends. He held out his hand to harry and said "I would like to put are past behind us and stop being enemies, im not asking to be friends but to be civil with Hermione around. Harry took his hand and said "I would like that very much". Ginny and Hermione stared with amazement. Neither one of them could believe what just happened.

Draco rested his hand back on Hermiones leg and asked "are you feeling any better"? She smiled "a lot". They were all enjoying them selfs until they her pansy shrieking "what are you doung over here with this mudblood Draco"! Hermione hand went straight to her scare from habit when she hears that word. Draco said back "bloody hell pansy take a hint I don't like you and its none of your business so leave me alone"! She yelled in frustration and marched out of the great hall.

Hermione held her head again and draco put his arm around her trying to comfort her. "Do you want to go back to the dorm and get some rest"? She slowly nodded her head and draco helped her stand up. Hermione said "goodbye" to harry and Ginny while Draco grabbed some green apples to eat in the common room because she didn't eat much. He helped Hermione stand up and Ginny said "ill visit you later Hermione i want to talk to you about something". Hermione nodded and walked back to the dorm with Draco.

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