chapter 23

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Hermione covered her mouth with her hands as she let out a gasp. Her eyes were opened wide when they locked with icy grey eyes. He smiled at her "hello darling". Draco walked up to Hermione and put his hand around her waist. He led her further into the common room.

The room was lit with many bright candles. They glowed bright and the light reached all around the room making it look beautiful. Hermione was astonished. There table was filled with many foods to choose from. It had a white cloth draped over it and a vase with red roses in it. Draco pulled a chair back for Hermione to sit in. Once he sat down across from Hermione she beamed "what's all this for"?

He flashed another handsome smile at her "well I thought this could be our first date, and I also wanted to use this opportunity to ask you to go to the dance with me". Hermione blushed more and more every second "of course Draco". He smiled "lets eat then". They ate in silents for a while until Hermione asked "how did you manage to plan all of this"?

"I asked potter and the weasley girl to distract you for a while so I could set this up" he smirked. Hermione joked "what a gentlemen for setting all this up". Draco laughed and Hermione joined in. Her smiled "you really need to start calling them by the first names Draco". "Old habits die hard what can I say, at least I didn't call him saint potter" he said while yawning and leaning back in his chair. Hermione giggled a girlish laugh that made Draco smile. He loved it when she laughed. "I think someone needs to go to bed" Hermione smirked breaking Draco out of his thoughts.

He said "no im fine mione". Hermione looked away from him with her face all red. When ahe finally got her confidence back she said "well if your not going to bed I am". Draco sighed "why so early"? She yawned "because we're both tired". She stood and started clean up the table. Draco charmed the candles to go out. When he finished he flung him self across the couch to layed down and watch Hermione clean the last of the food.

She looked over and saw him starring at her and she said "you could help" putting her hands on her hips as she walked to the couch to look down at him. He smirked "but I don't want to". She crossed her arms over her chest "lazy" she said rolling her eyes. Draco jumped up into a sitting position and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. "What did you call me" he said playful. Hermione giggled "lazy. Let me spell it out for you L-A-Z-Y"!

He grabbed her by the waist and pinned her down on the couch "say it again"! She smirked "lazy"! Draco started tickling Hermione and she couldn't get away. "Say I'm not lazy"! "Okay, Okay, you not lazy" Hermione said out of breathe from laughing. "Thats what I thought" he smirked. She smirked back "your still an arrogant ass". Before Draco could make his remark she crashed her lips onto his. She pulled away quickly "your not aloud to tickle me anymore". "And why not" he frowned. "Because I won't kiss you anymore if you do".

He frowned "fine" and kissed her again. She snaked her arms around his neck and ran her hands through his hair. She pulled away and put her head on his chest. She started drifting off into sleep until he said "its getting pretty late, you should go upstairs and change and then go to bed".

Hermione nodded and slowly got up as she walked up the stairs she heard him say "goodnight my Gryffindor princess". She yawned "goodnight my Slytherin Prince". When she got to her room she changed clothes and fell into a deep sleep as soon as her face hit the pillow.

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