chapter 11

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Hermione woke up that morning and went downstairs and sat by the fire. She started reading a book waiting for draco to wake up. She couldn't focus on her book because she kept thinking about last night. Hermione sighed and went upstairs to Draco's room.

She opened his door and walked up to his bed. She said "draco wake up". He didnt even move. She said "draco wake up its almost time for breakfast". He opened his eyes and looked at her and then rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

Hermione said "Draco I know your awake now get up". He said "Hermione go away im sleeping". Hermione said "draco get up"! She pulled his covers off of him. He said "dang Hermione you dont need to yell, give me my covers back". She said "no we need to go right now so get ready"!

He sat up and said "okay, okay miss bossy im up, are you happy now"? She laughed at him and said "get ready and meet me downstairs". As she walked downstairs she yelled "if i come back up here and your still in bed god so help me i will-"! Draco couldn't hear her anymore and started laughing. As he got ready he mocked her and laughed to him self.

He walked downstairs and said "are you ready to go miss bossy"? She said "yes i am mister sleepy, lets go eat so were not late for class". They went to the great hall and went there separate ways. She went to the Gryffindor table and he went to slytherin.

Hermione sat with harry and ginny. She liked to ignore Ron and pretend he's not there. She knows they will have to make up soon though. Hermione told Ginny all about he dorm and ginny asked "can i come to it one night"? Hermione thought about it and said "ill have to ask draco if you can".

Ron looked over and sneered "so your on a first name basis now with Malfoy"! Hermione said "yes i am Ronald and that is none of your business who and who im not friends with". He fired back "yes it is my business because im your b-" Hermione yelled "what are you Ronald"! "You were my boyfriend until you cheated on me, and dont you dare say we're best friends because your nothing to me"!

Everyone looked over at Hermione. She was about to cry and she ran out of the great hall into her dorm.


Hermione went over to the Gryffindor and draco went to the slytherin. Draco sat with his "friends". As soon as he sat down pansy said "where were you"! He grabbed and green apple and started eating it and said "its none of your business". Pansy started hanging on him again and he flinched at her touch. She made him feel so cold.

He looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Hermione laughing with harry and ginny. Then Ron said something to Hermione and she shoot Ron a naste glare. Ron started yelling at her and Hermione yelled at him and he her he yell "what are you Ronald"! "You were my boyfriend until you cheated on me, and dont you dare say we're best friends because your nothing to me"!

She stormed out of the great hall looking like she was gonna burst into tears. "look at granger she's about to cry" Pansy luaghed. Draco stood up but pansy grabbed his wrist. He glared at her. "Let go of me". She said "are you going to the filthy mudblood!"

Draco jerked his arm free and slammed it on the table. "Don't you ever call her that"! Everyone from all house looked over, even the professors. He said "if i ever hear you say that again you will regret it"! Draco stormed out after Hermione to the dorm.

Ron followed close behind draco and followed him into the dorm. Draco saw Hermione on the couch and said "are you okay"? Hermione whiped away her tears and said "yeah". Then Ron bursted in and yelled "Malfoy get out"!

Draco said "bloody hell weasley you don't know when to stop"! Hermione said "Ron just stop, please"! "Ron go away"! Ron came running at Draco and punched him in the face. Draco grabbed Ron and slammed him on the wall and started punching.

Draco backed up and pulled his wand out. Ron did the same. They were both about to yell a spell until they were disarmed by Hermione. Hermione yelled "Ron get out"! She stood in between them. Ron walked out of the dorm cursing.

Hermione started crying again. She never thought she would have to pick between Ron or Draco. Draco came over and wrapped his arms around Hermione. She cried into his chest until she was done.

She said "thank you". "we should get going or you will be late for class, which i know is your worse nightmare" he joked. "We can go to class together because we both have the same classes". Hermione said "oh no we're gonna be late"!

She grabbed his hand and pulled him all the way out of the dorm. She then realized she grabbed his hand. She blushed and said "oh sorry" and quickly let go of his hand. He said "i didn't mind". Hermione then took off to class with draco following behind her.

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