chapter 16

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Hermione layed on the couch sound asleep looking peaceful. Draco sat down on the couch beside her and rubbed her arm. "Hermione wake up i told you i would wake you up around dinner". She didn't even move she continued you sleep and dream. He sighed she looked so beautiful to him when she sleeps. Shes calm, relaxed, and peaceful and she looked amazing. "Hermione wake up". He shakes Hermione "Hermione wake up i made dinner"!

She growns and rolls over with her back facing draco. He puts his arms around her and pulls her up so she sitting up. She moans "five more minutes". He smiles "I promise you can go back to sleep after you eat if you want". She opens her eyes to look at him "fine". He point's to the table and it has to chairs and food. The table has a candle in the middle of it and many food choices. "Did you do all this on your own" she questions him. "Yeah with a little help from the house elfs but thats all, its not that much really" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

They stand up and walk over to the table and sit down. "How are you feeling" Draco asked grabbing some chicken. "Im feeling well except for the head aches i keep getting". "Im actually really tired and i feel like i could sleep for ever". Draco smiles "i hope you get to feeling better but for now i have to take care of you". "Oh and where are you gonna sleep because i have to be in the same room as you"? "Ill just charm the couchs in the dorm to be as comfortable as are beds and we can sleep in the common room".

They continued with small talk until they were both done eating. "Thanks for the food Draco this was really nice". "Anytime" said Draco as he cleaned the table up. Hermione walked over to the couchs and pulled out her wand. She starm to mutter a charm but then dropped her wand and she fell to the floor clutching her head. She felt like if she let go her head would fall apart. It was like she was holding it together. Her head felt like it was about to explode. Draco run out if the kitchen beside Hermione and yelled "what happened"! she didn't respond she was to busy trying to hold in the pain.

Draco picked her up off the ground and set her on the couch and took off to the kitchen. He came back with a wet wash cloth and her potion for head aches. He handed her the potion and put the wash cloth on her face trying to cool her down. He sat down beside her on the couch and she layed her head down on his lap. She fell asleep five minutes after taking the potion. Draco didn't both messing with her and fell asleep too.


Hermione was in a dark cold room. She knew exactly where she was she had nightmares about it all the time. She was in the Malfoy mansion. All of a sudden she was on the floor and saw the blood drip from her arm saying "mudblood". She could hear bellatrix Lestrange's cold laugh. Hermione shivered at the sound of it.

Hermione woke up crying. She look around at her surroundings and say her laying in Draco lap. She sat up and woke him up. When he saw her face he could tell she was crying. "What's wrong" he asked as embraced her. She hesitated at first but told him everything about the dream. All of that actually happened during war. She never really liked talking about it. It was just to personal and painful to talk about.

When she finished telling him what happened he continued to hug her. His touched made her feel safe and calm. She never wanted to let go. She fell back asleep in his arms and slepted good for the rest of the night.

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