Chapter 6

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-5 months later-

We are in a huge battle right now. I have no clue what to do. I mean. This monster took my kids. He wants revenge on us just because we put him in a mental health facility.

"YOU TOOK MY KIDS PETER!!" I yelled at him while I walked across the court yard of Eichen House.

"YOU PUT ME IN EICHEN HOUSE MEGAN! How do you think that felt? When your family thinks you are crazy enough to be put in an asylum?" He asked.

"You teamed up with Kate. You tried to kill Scott. You took my kids!" I yelled.

"My niece and nephew!" He corrected.

"That might be. But your still the monster from 4 years ago who killed my brother. Who killed his niece. Who would do anything for power!" I said harshly.

"I did why I had to do. I had to get your attention because you wouldn't listen to me. I had to do something!" He yelled.

"Takings kids is something? Taking them while we are sleeping? I will never forgive you Peter. Maybe your better off DEAD!" I yelled. "Give me my kids Peter. Now." I said, sternly.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Because if not, you'll have to deal with an angry Luna, alpha mother, who's kids were ripped away from her. And their father. And our pack." I said.

My four year old kids came out, scared for their lives. My poor babies.

"MOMMY!" Peter yelled.

"It's ok baby. You're ok!" I said. "Peter. Let them go and we'll let you live. You can come home Peter! Please just them go." I said. Peter has this far away look. Lydia might know.

"Lydia! I need you." I said. She ran up to me. "Look at him. It's like.. like it's not him. Like he's been hypnotized or something! do you know what to do?" I asked!

"Yes. Please stand back and cover your ears." She said. And I did.

"PETER!" She screamed and let her banshee come out. He fell to the ground. I ran over to him.

"Peter. PETER WAKE UP PETER!" I yelled. After a few moments.

"Megan? Megan? What happened to me?" He asked.

"I don't know Peter. I don't know." He looked around and saw the twins.

"I.. I took them?" He asked. I nodded.

"DEREK GET OVER HERE!" I yelled. He ran.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Lydia it him out of it though." I said.

"Derek. Derek." Peter got his attention. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." Peter apologized over and over again.

"Peter it's ok. You didn't know what you were doing." He said.

"You're right. He didn't. But I did." A voice said. "I told him to get your kids because I knew that all of the pack would come and I would get my revenge." Theo said.

"How are you here Theo?" Scott said coming from where he was. "We finished everything you and the 'doctors' did. We though we killed you."

"You might have finished them but you can't kill what you didn't create." He said.

"PETER TALIA GET OVER HERE!!" I yelled. Peter is faster then Talia.

"Oh no. Not so fast, sweetheart." Theo said, as he grabbed Talia by the neck.

"Theo. let her go. She did nothing to you. I did. Let her go. Take me instead." Scott bargained.

"No. Because it will torture you if anything happened to your sweet little girl. The small pack member. It would kill you from the inside out if she was killed." He said. "Especially you, Megan. You little girl. Killed right. In. Front. Of. You. And you Derek. You would feel like sh*t. You would blame yourself along with your wife. It would eventually year you two apart." He said.

"Mommy!!! Help me! Mommy!!!!" She screamed.

"Touch her and I will end you. For good." I said.

"Oh Megan. But you can't. But. I will let her go." He said. "If.." he started.

"If what?" Derek said.

"If Scott trades with her." My eyes go wide.

"I will. Just let her go. Please." Scott said.

"Scott. No. You can't do that." I said.

"I am. I couldn't do that to you." He said and walked over to Theo. He let her go and she ran over to me.

"You're ok baby. Your ok." I picked her up and rocked her. "You're alright. You want to go to daddy?" She nodded. I handed her over and walked closer to Theo.

"Theo listen to me. You don't want to do this." I said as I eases up to where they stood.

"Yes. I do. Your the b**** who ruined my life." He said though a clenched jaw. "Maybe I should ruin yours." He's fast. Faster than he used to be. But I was always faster. He tried to stab me, but I knocked it away. We fought and fought. Finally he wore out.

Talia ran to me. And put her arms around my waist. It caught me off guard. Everything was a blur for me. Theo... he- he stabbed her with the weapon he tried to come at me with.

"TALIA!" Derek yelled. She fell to the ground. I fell to me knees and brought her head to my lap. This is too much like Allison's death.

"Baby. Baby. Keep your eyes open. Your fine. Baby your fine." I cried.

"Mommy. It hurts." She said.

"I know baby. I know." He stabbed her right next to the heart.

"Next time Megan, don't make promises you can't ke---!" He was cut off by Peter(old Peter.) he broke his neck and slashed his throat. Then stabbed him in the heart with what he stabbed my baby with.

"Princess. Please stay awake." Derek cried out.

"I'm tired daddy. I'm really tired." She croaked.

"I know baby. But you have to stay awake. Stay awake for me please." He said.

"I don't want to. I really tired daddy." She said.

"Dad. It's me. Get to Eichen house. Now. It's Talia. She. She's dying." Stiles called his dad.

"Talia. Stay awake for mommy. You'll be fine." I said. There was no answer.

"NO NO NO TALIA WAKE UP please wake up." Derek cried out. I heard sirens. The sheriff jumped out of his car. I looked at him. And shook my head, tears streaming down my face.

Derek took her out of my arms and sobbed.

"My baby. My baby. Not her. Please!" He cried. Sheriff came over. I stood and he hugged me. I sobbed. I sobbed so much that eventually he has to ease me to the ground. The paramedics were here and Melissa was with them. She came to me and sheriff then looked at Derek. She saw what happened and cried.

She's gone. My baby girl is gone.


Hey guys! I was shocked that I even wrote a chapter like this. I had this thought in my mind and I can't explain it. This chapter made me cry:(.. Poor pack. This is so sad. Anyway. Next chapter coming soon.
Not edited.


Love Me 'Till The End// Derek Hale- sequel to 'Are you leaving me? Again?'Where stories live. Discover now