Chapter 15

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One month later, I was fighting a manticore. Actually the whole pack was. A manticore is like a werewolf. But bigger and way badder. And of course scarier. We killed the other 3 dad who. But when we did that seem to make it stronger. Jackson had the last part. I keep telling them that this is what the vision told me about. And when Jackson killed the other one. I knew. I tried to tell the pack. But they won't listen.

36 hours later:

"MOMMY!!" Peter squealed as I walked into the McCall household.

"Hey baby. Have you been good?" I asked him.

"Yes I have!! I helped Gimma Melly clean the kitchen and I picked up my toys!!" He said.

"He did." Melissa said as she walked into the living room.

"Good. I'm glad to hear." I said. I picked Peter up. "Thank you so much." I told Melissa.

"Is it over?" She asked.

"Yes. But not without the sacrifices." I said. I looked down. She knew.

28 hours earlier:

We were fighting the manticore. If was charging towards Malia and Lydia screamed. The scream made him fly back. Before we could comprehend anything, the manticore had Lydia. His claws were held to her neck. In an animalistic voice, it talked.

"One more step and she's dead." It growled out.

"Please. Don't do this." I tried to reason. I saw Malia trying to sneak up behind it. In a gust of a moment, Lydia was on the ground and Malia was being lifted up with claws in her stomach. She was thrown across the woods and hit a tree hard. Stiles ran after her. Jackson stepped up. And before we could all see what's going on. Jackson shows his claws into the manticores heart. But what we didn't know was that jebalready shoved his claws into jacksons neck. Not until we saw them both fall.

"JACKSON!" Lydia screamed. Dejavu.

"Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay. Lyds. Honey. Please." Jackson gushed out.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Please. Stay. Please." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry Lydia. This is it. But I'd do it over. If it meant you would live. I've never stopped loving you. Ever. I don't know a time when I didn't. I'm sorry for being a jack ass. Sorry Megan." He said. To Lydia and me.

"It's okay, jack." I said. a Derek held me and my stomach tight.

"I love you Lydia. And I will never stop. Keep. Going." And then. He was gone.

"MEGAN!" Stiles yelled. I ran over to him and Malia. "Save her. Please save her."

"Stiles. She can't. And that's okay. Remember I love you and I'm grateful for you teaching me how to be human. Tell Peter. I'm sorry for being an awful daughter. I love you all." And just like that. The light left her eyes and she took her final breath.


"Thank you again." I said and walked out.

"DADDY!" Peter yelled.

"Hey bud." Derek said.

"I missed you mommy and daddy." He said.

"We've missed you too. Let's go home." Derek said.

When we got home everyone was there. I mean everyone. Even Melissa which was weird. Because we just left her house.

"It's over. The hale-McCall pack has taken down every supernatural threat." Scott said.

"Just like before the fire. Beacon hills is at rest. We can move on and be normal again." Derek said.

"Where's Malia and jacky?" Peter asked. I closed my eyes. I took him and sat down.

"They're with Tally now. They are gonna watch over us. And they are gonna look after her for us." I said.

"Oh." Was all he could say. Derek took him upstairs to get ready for bed.

I walked over to big Peter and hugged him. He hugged back.

"My daughter. She's gone. She's really gone." He said.

"She said she loves you and she was sorry for being a bad daughter." I said.

"Everybody's listen up." I said as I got their attention. "Over the past 7 years. We have gained some. And lost some. And we lost the best. Allison. Always in our hearts. Aiden. Always with us. Talia. Never will leave us. Malia. She will always stay. And Jackson. Never gone. We move forward. For them. And besides. We all have a baby. That we will gain." I said. We all had a big group hug. For the next two hours. We shared memories about the past 7 years. And they left.

2 months later.

Once this baby is born. I'm gonna work on the police force. Sheriff wants me as his right hand.

Derek and I were laying in bed when a sharp pain went through my stomach and I peed myself. Better yet. My water broke.

"Derek." I said.

"Hmm." He mumbled. He was asleep.

"It's time." I said. His eyes napped open and he jumped up. "I'll text everyone. You just get everything together." And no later that 2 minutes. We were on our way to deatons.

Once we got there. Deaton cleared his table and sat me on there and put up pillows to support my back. Like last time. Only Derek Melissa and Cora came back.

"Okay Megan. I see the head. Give me a big big push!" I did. And my eyes glowed red. I could feel it. "Come on Megan. Push hard!" So I have the biggest push I could conjure up. I yelled and screamed like crazy. Not even the twins were this hard. Talia. "This is the last push give it all you've got!" For Talia. So I pushed and fell back. Derek whispering in my ear how well I did. Then I heard the cry. After two minutes. Melissa handed Derek the baby.

"Daniel John hale." Derek said. He bent over and showed me his face. He was so perfect. I held him. Everyone came on. Pete jumped up in Derek's arms.

"Is that my little brother?" He whispered.

"Yes. His name is Daniel John Hale." Derek whispered. Everyone was in awe.

"Talia is happy. I just know it. I can feel it." He responded. My family. My pack. We are back. Stronger than ever..


Hey!!!! So I have one of two more chapters than this series is over! I'm kind of sad!!! This was my first series!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! Not edited.

Love Me 'Till The End// Derek Hale- sequel to 'Are you leaving me? Again?'Where stories live. Discover now