Chapter 7

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I was staring of into nothing. Brushing my straight hair. With my black dress. Water proof make up on.

I don't want to go. If I go, then it's real. I'm still trying to wake up from this nightmare.

"Megan. We need to go." Derek said.

"I don't want to." I said.

"But we have to." He said. He helped me up and helped me walk. My legs wanted to give in. Everyone was waiting down in the living room. Everyone except my baby.

"Are we ready to go?" Stiles asked. I didn't say anything. I'm guessing Derek nodded because they started for the front door.

"We shouldn't be here." Stiles started. "I've hated funerals since I had to come here when my mom passed. Then I came for Allison's 3 years ago. Now, a little girl who was like my own family. Her mom and dad are like my brother and sister." He had tears running down his cheeks. "Talia was always cheerful, playful, and energetic. I don't see how some monster could do this. Why would someone want to?" He said. He could barely say anything else. "She will be missed. I love you very much Talster." He got off stage and sat back down. Next was Scott.

"I blame myself everyday. I'm the one who was too slow to get to this monster. Talia was a beautiful little girl with her whole life ahead of her." I sobbed. And sobbed. Derek pulled me in. Melissa was holding a crying Peter. "Everybody who saw her complimented the parents of this 'amazing beautiful little girl' every time I came around, there was a smile on her face. She always wanted to play. She's a fighter too. She likes jumping on your back. She likes sneaking up on you. She was Derek and Megan in one. scary yes but still amazing. I miss you TalTal. I love you." He said and went to go sit down. Derek was up next.

"Talia was 4. She turned four a couple months ago. She was my little princess. Always wanted to come with me. Always wanted to play with me. She told me once. 'Daddy, I'm your princess right?' I said of course. Then she asked. 'Will I ever find a prince?' I told her no doubt. I broke a promise. 9 years ago I lost my family. One week ago. I lost my daughter. First born. I don't understand why it had to be her. I was 2 feet away. It could have easily been me. I would rather it have been me. My wife is heartBroken. As am I. When she was pregnant with the twins. She thought she had lost Talia. But we didn't. Now we aren't so lucky." He couldn't go on. "There will always be a special spot in my heart for my little princess. I love you, princess. And I miss you so much." He came and sat by me. Now it was my turn.

"My daughter and my son were 2/3 loves of my life. Derek is my husband. My family is my life. I let my daughter die. It's my fault. She was clinging on to me while it happened. It should have been me! My little girl is dead because of me. I could have stopped it. I want to thank My uncle in law Peter for avenging my daughter through self defense. I didn't want to come today. Because if I did, it would be real. And I don't want it to be real. I want my little girl back. I want to hold her again and sing her to bed. I want to wake up from this nightmare and go check on her. I miss my baby girl with everything in me. Every time I pass her room to get to Peters, it feels like a stab in the heart. Parents should never bury children. She gave me life everyday. I'm going to miss you so much Tal. I love you baby girl. Jacob," I looked to the ceiling like I could see him, "take care of my daughter." Then I went to sit down."

The preacher of the ceremony started a slideshow. I cried and cried. This broke my heart. The background song was 'My little Girl' by Tim McGraw.

We went to the cemetery. We are burying her next to Jacob. They took the ribbons out of the bouquet of flowers on top of the casket. They were:


Derek got the one that said princess. I got daughter. Jacob got sister. There were 3 nieces. One for cora, Peter, and Daniel. They gave me a rose. After everything was over, I bent in front of Jacob's grave.

"You better take care of my daughter. I'm putting her in your hands." I said. And we went to my house where closest friends and family came for lunch. everything from the funeral home was sent here. The flowers, gifts, pictures. Everything that was there was sent here. I went upstairs. I told them I was changing. But really I took flowers and my ribbon to her room.

"Hey baby girl." I said as I walked in. "I got flowers. I have to get back downstairs but I'll come back later." I laid the flowers down in front of a family picture on her dresser. I turned to the door when I saw Derek years in his eyes. I ran into his arms and we slid down to the floor. We crepes for what felt like hours. But really. 10 minutes when Cora found us.

"Guys. Jacob. He--he's not calming down. I don't know what to do. He keeps calling for you. I got up rather quickly and ran downstairs.

"Mommy!!" Jacob cried out. He was on the couch crying. I saw claws. Everyone was too scared to go near him.

"I'm right here baby." He ran over to me. "Can you put your claws away?" I asked. He nodded. "What's the matter baby?"

"Is Tally with Uncle Jacob?" He asked.

"Yes baby." I said a tear ran down my face. He wiped it away.

"Is she ever gonna come back?" He asked.

"No baby." I said. He started crying he laid his head in my chest. I looked up and every one was crying. And I mean everyone. I looked at the door way and saw Derek. He was crying. He walked over and sat by us. I leaned in to him. Older Peter sat on my other side and Cora sat by him. Everyone sat down and just grieved. No one talked for a long time. Until little Peter spoke up.

"Mommy?" He asked.


"Daddy talked to us about Valentine's Day. How it's next month. Me and Tally made something for you and she kept it in her room because it was too girly for mine." That made me smile. "Come with me." He said. He hoped off my lap and started up stairs. I followed him. He went to her bookshelf and picked up one of her stuffed animals. It was a card with her handwriting and Peter's.

"Thank you so much baby. I love it." I said.

"It was Tally's idea." He said.

I read it. And loved it.

"Let's go put it in my room. Better yet. I have an extra frame. Let's put in that and put it on my dresser." he nodded. I got the frame and put the drawing and letter in one, inside. And sat it on my dresser. We went back down and ate.

"Megan. Derek." My grandmother called us over. "You need to get your mind off of things. Come to Kentucky for awhile. Bring Pete and cherish every moment with him. Then have another baby." She said.

"We'll think about it." I said. Derek and I walked away.

"I think we should." He said.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok. How about we leave next week?"

"Perfect." He said.

"Mamaw." I called her over. "We are going to. Next week and I was thinking for about a month." I said.

"That's sounds great." She said.

I will always have a place in my heart for Talia and Talia only. I won't move on, but I will live on for her. She will always be a soft topic for me and Peter and especially Derek. That was his little girl. His princess.
Hey guys! I know I know sucky ending. Oh well. I was sad while writing this. Thanks for reading.


Love Me 'Till The End// Derek Hale- sequel to 'Are you leaving me? Again?'Where stories live. Discover now