Chapter One

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Chapter One

Phil's P.O.V

I walked into the lounge doorway to see Dan sitting on the couch in his ever so adorable browsing position. I wondered what he thought of me. We had been friends for six years and I never told him how I felt, but maybe that because even I dont know what I feel. There was something special between Dan and I, I just didn't know what it was. Maybe it was the fact we had been best friends for four years now. It was only friendship nothing more. "Phil?" Dan asked as he finally acknowledged me. "Um Dan I'm going into town, and wanted to know if you were coming with." Dan still had his 'hobbit' hair. That was the way I liked it. Curly with nothing done to it. He looked so attractive with curly hair, not that his straight hair was any less adorable. Wait what was I saying? I didn't think Dan's hair was cute, I thought it was just normal Dan. "Um yeah I guess I'll come with, but do I have time to flat iron my hair?" I thought for a moment. Sure we had plently time, but I didn't want him to. His hair was to adorable to change. "Um we do, but you should just wear it like that today," I started nervously, "or you could put on your llama hat." I said hoping he would. When Dan wore his llama hat it made my stomach do flips, he just looked so irresistable. Phil what are you thinking? You don't have feelings for Dan, you two are just best friends.  I thought to myself. "Alright just let me get a shirt and shoes on then we can go." I said getting up and walking to his room. I hadn't realised untill he got up that he was shirtless. I guess I was to busy looking at his beautiful face to notice. Phillip Micheal Lester, snap out of it, you do not have a crush on Dan, you are straight and have no feelings besides friendship for Dan.  I kept mentaly telling myself.

Repeating that in my mind is what I did until Dan came out of his room. He was wearing his llama hat with hobbit hair, a normal pair of dark skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt with cartoon us on it. "Hey Phil, look twinsies!" Dan said like a blonde American girl. I looked down at my shirt and noticed we were wearing the exact same shirt, color and everything. "Aw Dan did you have to go and make us all matchy, and what not?" I jokingly complained. "Yes Phillip I did." I smiled at him and went into the kitchen to grab my keys. "Phil come on lets goooo!" Dan yelled from the lounge. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I said walking up to the front door. "Lets go Phil." he said opening the door. "First Daniel, we need to have a safety lesson. You need to stay on the pavement and not go into the street." Dan gave me a look of stupidity and walked out the door. "Alright thats our lesson of the day." I said walking out, closing the door behind me. Dan was a few steps ahead of me and was walking quite fast. I always wonder whats going on in that little head of his. Sometimes I sat in my room and wondered, does he ever think about me? But then I realize that Dan and I are only firends, and that's all I want us to be. It's not like I have a crush on Dan, I was straight and liked girls, but there was something about Dan. Something that made me feel different. It was some sort of feeling I couldn't get through my head what it was though. I knew it was an eccentric feeling that you only get around that one person. It was on the tip of my tounge, but I could never figure it out.

"So Phil," started Dan in a mysterious voice, "where might we be going first?" I wanted to sit in the corner and cry at the sound of his voice. It was so deep and mezmerizing. Phil! Stop it, you don't like Dan!  He kept telling himself mentally, but his heart told him different. His heart was telling him to keep admiring Dan and loving him. Loving him. Loving Dan. Me loving Dan. That was it, the feeling I had felt all these years was love. I lov- My chain of thoughts was interrupted by a deep and sexy voice. "Um Phil?" Dan said seeing as I hadn't said anything in quite a while. "Erm, uh, yeah, so lets go into Topman, maybe Peej and Chris will be there." I said hoping they would so I wouldn't blurt out my love for Dan in the middle of London. "Sounds great, maybe I'll get some shoes, or shirts." He said thinking between the two. I loved the face Dan makes when I thinks, he scrunched his nose and looked into space. You couldn't get any more beautiful than Dan. I really did love him. The only thing was, I knew he didn't feel the same way. He had always been a ladies man, and would occansionally bring home a girl or two. But everytime he did, a little peice of my soul was being torn off. I never realized it before, but I think I've loved Dan since the day we met. From his chessnut colored hair, to his chocolate brown eye, he was perfect. All I could ever ask for, and more. "Erm, okay, but why the studder Phil." Dan asked making me lose my track of thought. "Oh, um, erm, uh nothing I guess just a little chilly out." I lied, it was some what warm for an Autum day in London, and I had a jumper on. 

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