Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight Dan's P.O.V.

I woke up alone in my bed.  I wonder where Phil went. "Phil?!" I called out. "I'm getting ready, but the guys said they'd be here in about an hour so you need to get ready." he called back. I got out of bed and found him straightening his hair. "Morning. Where are we going?" I asked curiously. "Not exactly morning, it's almost 12." he laughed. I looked at the lock and realized that it was 12. "How did I sleep that long?" I exclaimed. "You were having a restless sleep last night. I felt you moving around a lot. What were you dreaming of?" "I honestly can't remember dreaming about anything." I said blankly. "Well get ready." he told me. I went back into my room to find what to wear. "But where I we going?" I asked, stumped on finding clothes. "The movies, then back here." he told me. I picked out my red plaid shirt I had worn for my internet support group video, and yet another pair of black skinny jeans. Phil came into my room and was wearing a similar shirt, except he had his buttoned. I had yet to button mine up, so again one of us was missing a piece of clothing. It was a checkered red, and black shirt. "Did you leave the flat iron plugged in?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Dan if I'm going to be your boyfriend, then you're going to have to deal with the fact I completely adore your hobit hair." he grinned.

I tried to give him a serious look, but who can look at Phil without smiling. "I don't like my hobbit hair, and I haven't straightened it in forever!" I complained. He shook his head no. I walked over to him, so I was directly  in front of him. He took hold of the sides of my shirt. "You should just leave it like this." "Fine. But one day I will curl your hair just so you know how it feels." "I didn't mean your hair. I meant your shirt." he told me. I smiled. "Phil!" I blushed. "What? Is it a crime to hit on my own boyfriend?" "No it's a crime to turn me on, but the guys are going to be here any second." I turned away and buttoned up my shirt. "Aw." he whined. "Could I please flat iron my hair. Pretty please with Maltesers on top." I pleaded. He sighed shaking his head. He walked out my room and went into his. I took that as a no. I went back into the bathroom I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Phil yelled running down the stairs. 

I quickly brushed my teeth and went down to the lounge. I found all four of the guys. Charlie and Alex were standing against the wall holding hands, then Chris and Peej were sitting on the couch holding hands. Phil didn't see me so I sent a 'shush' sign to all of the guys. I went up behind him, and grabbed his sides. "What the fuck Dan." he yelped. Every one doubled over in laughter. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry Phil, please forgive me." I pouted. I kissed his cheek, and saw a deep shade of red creep onto his face. "Only for you." he blushed. "Enough you two, lets go." Pj said standing up, Chris following him. "Have we even decided on what movie we're going to see yet?" I asked confused. "Good question. What movie are we seeing Cherimon?" asked Chris. Did he just call them Cherimon? "Well KickTheStickz, I thought we could all go see Monsters University." Alex said in a half ticked off tone. I could tell that Phil saw the opportunity to make things brighter. "Phan thinks that's a great idea." he said happly. "And Dan thinks we should all go by our normal names. We are not living walking fangirls." I butt in. "Dan makes a point, now lets go." said Charlie who started walking towards the door. "You guys go ahead, Dan and I will meet you out there. We've gotta grab something." said Phil, who held me back as I tried to walk. The guys nodded and went out the door. 

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you I love you." "I love you too." I said giving him a hug. "Why in private?" I asked letting go. "It's weird saying it in front of the other guys, because I know that their passion for one another is no where near as special as ours." "Where did that come from?" I asked, giving him a light kiss. "I'm actually not sure." "Well I liked it." I kissed him one last time before taking his hand. "Lets go." We walked out the door, and went down to the lobby. The guys were waiting out front for us. When we got out the front door they were all fighting. "But there isn't enough room for all of us to drive." complained PJ. "And we are in walking distance of the cinema, so there is no need for you guys to fight." Phil said, breaking up the fight. "I guess you're right." sighed Alex. "Lets just go." I said dragging Phil down the street with me. 


I walked up to the door of our flat and unlocked it. It was just Phil and I, because the other four left to go get beer. We had some alone time before they got back. Phil went into his room and changed into sweats, as did I. "Phil, are they staying the night?" I asked as I walked into his room. "I would assume so." he said glumly. "Why so sad?" "Because that means we aren't going to get any sleep, we're all going to have horrible hangovers, and we won't get any alone time." "Aw Phil. We'll get alone time. It's still early in the day. I could call them and tell them to come back a little later." I suggested. "Yeah that sounds fine." he slowly made his way over to the bed. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to all of the guys. 

Me: Hey guys. Phil isn't feeling to great, and wants some time to rest. So maybe can we not hang out till around 8ish?

Charlie: Yeah thats cool. See you then

Peej: Sure thing :P see you then

"The guys said it was fine. Now are you going to tell me whats up?" I asked sitting down with him. He layed his head on my lap. "It's nothing. Really." he lied. "Bitch please. I know it's something." "I feel like you don't want to be with me." he cried. I didn't know what to say, I was shocked. "Phil I want to be with you more than anything. You are the love of my life. The only person I have ever cared about this much. Why would you ever think that?" I poured out. "I look at the other guys and they seem so much more in love than we are. I know it's not true, but it feels like it." he was in tears, and sat up against the wall. I went over and sat next to him. "Please don't feel that way. The reason it seems like that, is because I am just not that used to this yet. I've never had someone love me back. And its especially weird because, you're the one who loves me. I dreamed of this for so long, and it came true. I guess I'm just still in shock." I started rubbing his back up and down, in hopes to calm him down. "Leave." "What?" "Please leave. I want to be alone." I can't believe he had just told me that. I got up off the floor and went into my own room. I sat down on my bed and let the words sink in. 

** Phil's P.O.V **

What had I just done. I probably just drove Dan away forever.  The only thing I cared about. The only person who was keeping me sane. Gone. And it was all my fault. 

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the two sentences I wrote in Phil's P.O.V. I wanted to keep it like that though. Also! This story is almost to 500 reads! Holy crap guys!! Thank you so much!  I don't even know how to react. Anyway, I have the rest of this book planned out, and after the next chapter, I will slowly finish it up. So until next time. Byeeee!


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