Chapter Nine

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*Phil's P.O.V.*


I need to get out of here and clear my mind. But what would Dan think if he heard me get up and leave. I can't do that me, or him. I don't even know why I am mad at him. Maybe I should just go apologize to him. He'd understand that I just had a moodswing, and we could both move on. After all he is Dan, and he can often be quite moody. I took my phone off the side table. I looked at the clock, and realized there was about five more minutes until 8 o'clock. 

I went onto twitter, and decided to tweet something. I want you you to know that I love you. I pressed tweet. I hope Dan got on twitter and saw that I posted that. I think when everyone gets here I should leave. Maybe I could go and stay at a motel for the night, then go stay with one of the guys when they go back home. Then again, they all have boyfriends that they live with, and that would be intruding their privacy. I'll just stay at a motel. I looked over at the clock again, and it struck eight. Soon after I heard a know at the door. 

I quickly made my way out my room and down the stairs. I opened the door to reveal all four of them standing there smiling. I gladly let them in. "Dan will be down in a second, but I have to go do something really quick." I ran out the door, quietly shutting it behind me. I took the stairs, and was outside quickly. I didn't know where to go, so I decided to go to the park. It was a quick walk, but it felt like an eternity. When I got there I didn't know what to do. I went over to the big tree, and sat down. I felt the tears start streaming down my face. It felt good to let it out, even if it was painful. All I could think about was Dan, and how he hates me for what I did. 

*Dan's P.O.V*

I was sitting in my room staring up at ceiling, when I heard a knock at the front door. I looked over at my clock to see it was 8:00 on the dot. Shoot! It's probably the guys. I got out of bed and went to let them in. When I opened my door I saw Phil had already went to let them in. His door was opened. I stil went down. I quietly made my way down the stairs, so Phil didn't know I was coming. Chris and Charlie were sitting at the breakfast bar, Pj and Alex were discussing music on the couch, and Phil was no where to be seen. "Hey guys, have you seen Phil?" I asked, startling them. "Erm yeah. He said he had to grab something then walked out the door." Oh god. He did what! He left, ad probably isn't coming back ever again.

"Where'd he say he was going?" I asked in a panic. "He didn't say, but it couldn't have been far. He didn't have, keys, a wallet, or anything." Chris said non chanlantly. "I'm going to go find Phil. Don't break anything, and don't be stupid." I grabbed my keys and jacket then went out the door. I quickly ran down the stairs, and was outside. I thought of the places he would go. He was sorta of late for him to go anywhere to shop, and he didn't have his wallet. Which meant the most likely place he would be was the park, just down the street. I looked for cars, then ran across.

I was running faster than ever trying to get there. As I ran out of breath I approached the park. I saw a dark figure curled up underneath of a tree. I speed walked down over to it, and saw Phil crying. I sat down next to him and started rubbing his back. I think he knew it was me, because he didn't freak out. His only reaction was that he stopped crying. "Why?" he whispered. "Because I love you." He sat up against the tree. "I snapped at you for no reason though." "You didn't snap. You were just mad. I don't hate you. I just love you more than I did before." I took his hand in mine. "I don't want them at our house." he said after a few minutes of silence. "I can kick them out." I said back. I pulled my phone out and texted them again.

Me: Guys, Phil is just not in the mood. So could we reschedule to drunk on another night? 

Alex: Yeah we'll leave. Sorry about Phil:/

"They're leaving." his face lit up a little bit. I stood up and helped him up as well. "You ready?" I asked. He nodded. He didn't look to excited about walking back, and saw a spot to lighten the mood. I picked up, and started walking. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked with a giggle. "I think that I am carrying my boyfriend back to the apartment that we share." he started to laugh. I kissed his forehead. "Thank you for coming back to me." he smiled. "I couldn't just let the love of my life rust on the ground." "I'd rather die than do that." Oh.My.God. He got my reference. "I love you a lot right now." he wrapped his arms around my neck, and looked into my eyes. I stopped in place. I leaned in and kissed him. The most lustful kiss we had shared in a while. "Save it till we get home lover boy." he laughed, breaking the kiss. 

We were soon back to our empty house. No friends, just us. I carried him up the stairs, and placed him on my bed. "Go to sleep." I commanded. "I wanted something to drink though." he whined. I went down stairs and found a half empty bottle of red wine. I brought it back up to him. I handed to him then went to the bathroom. I had mud all over me from the trip to the park. I need to take a shower. I turned on the water and heard a knock at the door. He slowly opened it. "Can I join you?" he asked sheepishly. "Why not."

** AFTER THE SHOWER ** (again I didn't feel like writing smut at three in the morning)

I pulled on my boxers, and watched Phil brush out his hair. "You're realy cute." I mumbled to myself. "But not as cute as you." he smiled back. "I'm going to go lay down in your bed. I'll wait for you." I walked into his room and layed down on the bed. I covered my self up with the duvet, and waited for him to walk in. And soon after I laid down he wsa there, right next to me. "Can we go to dinner tomorrow?" I asked curiously. "I would love to do that." he grinned. "You know. I am so glad that this isn't a dream."

A/N: So guys another update, woudl you look at that. So I am going to try and finish this up tonight. Because I think I can finish it in the next chapter or two. I hope you guys liked the little fight type thing that happened. So be expecting another chapter either in an hour or so, or tomorrow night! Byee


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