Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

** Dan’s P.O.V **


“Well can this llama tell me what movie we’re watching?” asked Phil as he got off the top of me. “You tell me how much you love me then ask what movie we’re going to watch. You’re so romantic Phil.” I said sarcastically. “And just because you were wondering about the movie. I put in Captain America.” I lied. I put in his box set of Buffy. “Why didn’t you put in Thor?” he whined. “Because you said we’re going to sleep so please can we snuggle now?” “Oh if that’s all you wanted.” I sat down on the bed and wrapped my arms around him. He put his head on m y chest and closed his eyes. “Can we just lay like this? I don’t want to watch Captain America.” he whispered into my chest. “Well I don’t know if you want to do that, because I put in Buffy.” I mumbled. “Dan, go turn it off now. I want to pay attention to you. Not the TV.” he commanded.


I took the remote without moving his head, and turned off the TV. I looked down at Phil’s eyes. He was tired, his eyes were more pale than usual. “Go to bed babe.” I told him. “But I want to talk to you.” he complained. “Please sleep. I thought maybe we could film Phil is not on fire 3 in the morning.” I saw him quickly close his eyes. “Night lovely.” I whispered into his head. “I love you.” I heard him say sleepily. “I love you too.” I said with a smile. God did it feel good to say that. I don’t have to wait till he leaves the room to say it. And now he doesn’t even leave to room. He stays here with me. I wish I would’ve done this sooner. After all of the thinking I did, I deserve some sleep. I kissed Phil’s forehead then closed my eyes. Tomorrow we can film a video and tell the world.


** Next Morning **


I turned over and opened my eyes to see Phil smiling. We had our hands entwined. “Morning.” he smiled. “I like waking up to you.” I blushed. “I like you in general. Now can we get ready, and film a video?” he asked eagerly. “I was hoping you loved me. But that means I have to straighten my hair, and you know just getting out of bed is an issue for me.” I rolled over to where I wasn’t facing him any more. “Please Dan. I really want to tell all of the fans so we can walk around holding hands in public.” he pleaded. I didn’t know he wanted to tell everyone. I shot out of bed and went into the bathroom. I plugged in my flat iron before I heard Phil yell from the bedroom “Dan! Don’t you dare do anything to your hair besides brush it!”


I sighed as I unplugged it. I couldn’t just tell Phil no. I went into my room and grabbed my black shirt with the white ring. I kept on my pajama pants and walked back into Phil’s room. As I walked in I noticed he was in his boxers. I watched as he fixed his hair in the mirror, while he was half naked. “Hopefully I’m good enough for Dan. I can’t ever lose him. He’ll probably break up with me when he realizes that this was a mistake, and he  never loved me.” I heard him mumble to himself. “Phil, you’re all I could ever ask for why wouldn’t you be good enough for me. I love you and I know this isn’t a mistake, because what I feel towards you is something more than love.” I butted in. “Oh Dan.. I didn’t see you there.” he said wearily. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Please don’t ever say those things again. You mean so much to me, and I’d hate to ever lose you.” I leaned in and pressed my forehead to his.

“I won’t ever leave you Dan.” he whispered as a single tear slid down his cheek. I quickly wiped it away. I couldn’t stand to see him cry. “Please don’t.” I said quietly. “I’m sorry.” ‘Don’t be.” His pale blue eyes looked into mine. They weren’t as bright as usual. I kept seeing tears roll down his face, as I held mine back. It broke me to see him like this and I couldn’t stand it. There really is no way of fixing this. Unless. I kissed him. It was a sweet kiss though. The kind you give someone when they aren't in the greatest mood. "Are you sure you still want to make the video?" I asked thoughtfully. "I do. We need to tell them now, before it's to late. I should get dressed though." "No you shouldn't. You look pretty damn sexy just the way you are." I said with a wink. He let out a slight laugh, which was good to hear. "I know you enjoy it, but I don't need my translucent body all over the Internet." he said, as he walked over to his wardrobe.

He pick out his Gengar shirt, and put on his pajama pants. "Who's camera are we going to use, and which room?" I asked curiously. "My camera, your room? We've never really filmed a video in your room." he shrugged. "Okay, let me go set things up." "I'm going to go take a shower, but I'll leave the door unlocked." he said walking to the big bathroom. "I will set up the lights and stuff then I'll join you?" I questioned. "I would enjoy that." he smiled then walked away. Wait, what just happened? Did I just agree to get in the shower with my naked boyfriend. Well Dan, you just scored. I ran into my and set up the lights, found the tripod, and connected the camera, all within a matter of minutes. I heard the water to the shower start and ran to the bathroom door. Maybe I should knock before I go in. I knocked on the door and Phil let me in. "So I see you took up my offer to join me?" he said with a smirk. "I did." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Can I do the honors of taking off the shirt of destiny." I nodded as he reached at the bottom of my 

** After the shower ** (sorry I didn't feel like writing any smut at two in the morning)

Phil shook his hair my out as water went everywhere. "That was fucking attractive." I blurted in awe. "Nice to know that you find your boyfriend attractive." he said sarcastically. "Oh no. My sassiness is rubbing off on you." I smirked. After the shower, I know that Phil is a lot more sexy than he appears to be. That's is if he can get sexier. I will definitely be doing that again. "So is the beautiful Dan ready to come out of thy closet?" he asked in a weird accent. "Of course I am." I said with my over articulate accent. "Before we film this can I tell you one thing?" he asked. I nodded. "Well when we filmed the wardrobe video and I scared you? Well that was my metaphorical way of coming out of the closet to you. Or in this case, the wardrobe." he laughed. Why didn't I notice that before! I thought to myself. "My metaphorical way, was always beating you up." I laughed shamefully. 

"Well any way, lets just film the video." I went over and took my spot on the floor where the camera was facing. Phil clicked record, then sat down with me. "Hello Internet!" I introduced in my usual tone. "Hey guys." said Phil. And on sync we both said, "We have something we need to tell you." I started to explain first. "Over the past few days Phil and I have came to a conclusion. And no the conclusion is not us quiting YouTube." "It's something that is going to make us move forward. We hope that you guys will understand this, but the exception of a few of you." he finished my sentence. "I am in love with Phillip Michael Lester, and no one can tell me different." I stated proudly. "I can say the same about Daniel James Howell." he smiled. "Phan is something that is more than a ship. Feel free to leave as much love or hate as you want," I started. "But nothing will stop true love. If things do get bad we will stop posting videos, and carry out life on our own." finished Phil. I looked into his eyes. They were back to their normal bright blue color of the ocean. 

We finished out the video with a kiss. I got up and pressed end. "I'm going to go upload this. Would you like to come with?" I asked, offering him my hand. He took my hand and stood up. He grabbed the camera, and we walked to our nerd room together. I sat down in the chair, and laced him on my lap. "I really do love you." I put out in the open. "I love you too." The room went silent. But it was a comfortable silence, filled with love. We watched the mac as the footage uploaded. It was done downloading on to the computer. "Are you ready to do this babe?" he asked as I hovered over the upload button. "As ready as I'll ever be." he put his hand on top of mine. We both clicked down on the mouse, and with a snap of the fingers, the video was uploading to YouTube.

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