Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Phil's P.O.V

What had we just seen? "Um we can explain, guys." said Peej tears threatening to fall down his cheek any second now. "I would like to see you try." said Dan still in shock from what he just found out. "Well it starts about this month last year." started PJ in his story telling voice. "It was actually tomorrow, last year, incase you didn't remember babe." said Chris looking into PJ's eyes. They started to stare until they started to get closer and closer. "Peter, and Christopher!"  I yelled infuriated with what they were doing in front of us. "Okay, sorry guys, just got caught up in the moment." said Chris who grabbed PJ's hand. "Well it started a year ago tomorrow, Chris and I were hanging out and making a video like we normally would but then," Chris cut Peej off. "Then he paused the camera and we looked deep into each others eyes. I knew then and there I loved Peter Liguori more than anything in the world." "Does that mean he is like the Dan to your Phil? I mean in terms of what the phandom would say." said Dan like an adorable five year old. "For crying out loud Dan! Not everything has to do with you and Phil!" yelled PJ in a harsh tone. "I don't like you yelling at my boyfriend like that Peter." I said starting to get slightly defensive. That's when I realized what I had just said. I had just accidently called Dan my boyfriend. I didn't even know if what happened was just a one time thing or not.

"Did you just call Dan your boyfriend?" asked Chris who now sounded more shocked than we did when we saw them making out. I looked over to Dan who was blushing, as well as smiling at the ground. "The only reason Phil called me that is, because it's true. I love Phil, more than, than, than, well YouTube." said Dan who was stammering by the end if the sentence. "Dan, I love you more than YouTube." I said, as I was the one who was starting to blush. "Wait, so does this mean you guys are like... Going out now?" asked the astounded PJ. "Um, Phil, are we?" Dan questioned curiously. "Well, Dan, will you go out with me?" I asked, figuring he would probably turn me down and say he's not ready yet. "Phil, yes. Yes Phillip Michael Lester, I will go out with you." "I love you Daniel James Howell." I said back as we starting inching closer and closer until PJ and Chris  ruined the moment. "Uh guys could you not, like not right here." said Chris awkwardly. "But when you’re down here in our lounge making out its okay? I'm going to kiss my boyfriend when I want, where I want, especially if its in my own apartment." said Dan who started to get scarily angry.

"Wow, Dan I didn't know you could stand up to people like that." I said as I intertwined our fingers. "Alright, Dan we're sorry. Just don't hate us we could all be gay best friends." said PJ trying to make up with us. "It's not like we're going to hate you, we could have a movie night!" I said getting excited. "Oh yeah!" yelled Chris who would end up getting the cops called on us. "What movie are we going to watch?" asked Peej as if he didn't know anything about us. "Inception!" Dan and I yelled at the same time. "Go get the movie!" said Chris who assumed we would get it. "Then you make the popcorn, and get the Maltesers." said Dan, who was by this point jumping off the walls knowing he had an excuse to eat Maltesers. "Dan, you said you cut back, so only one bag tonight." I said shaking my finger at him. "Alright then you only get one kiss." He said as he pecked my lips and ran up the stairs. "Dan you're such a tease!" I said running up behind him. As I got to the top I could faintly hear Chris say, "Aw what two adorable love birds." I took my mind off that and ran into my room where we kept the DVD collection. By the time I had gotten in there all the movies were scattered across the floor in a huge mess.

"Daaaaan!" I whined. "I knew I shouldn't have let you come up here alone." He looked up at me with innocent in his eye. "You know I didn't mean to Phil." He said as he looked into my eyes. I could feel his chocolate brown eyes staring into my soul. "I can't stay mad at you forever." I said as he pulled me down onto the floor by my hand. "Okay, good, now help me find Inception." Right as Dan said Inception, I picked up the Avengers. "Oh Dan! We should watch the Avengers!" I yelled out of pure excitement. "Thats a good idea Phil, but what about the other guys?" He said taking my hand. "Well Dan, I think they'd prefer the Avengers over some confusing mind game." I said back as a squeezed his hand. "But Phil, if we watch a boring movie we can cuddle, if we watch the Avengers, then well you aren't going to want to sleep." he said explaining his almighty logic. "This is why you are smarter than me." I said as I picked up the movie we originally came in here for. Dan gave me a smug smile. No more than that, and it simply killed me on the inside. Dan was so perfect, and I'm just glad he loves me back.  "Phil come on lets go so we can cuddle faster!" Dan complained as he started to run down the stairs. The fact that he wanted to cuddle made me laugh. It also brings the thought to me that he actually cares about our relationship.

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