Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven ** Phils P.O.V **

"Well it's uploaded. And I am scared to check the comments until tomorrow." Dan said wearily. "It'll be fine.  Maybe we should make up with Chris and Peej, then we could all go to the movies." I suggested. "That sounds like fun, but could we stay home. I feel like we're going to see every fan in exsitence, and they are just going to bombard us with questions." he pointed out glumly. "Dan... Are you sure you're okay with this?" "Absolutely! I just want to wait to see the reaction we get from everyone." "Well we could order pizza or something, and cuddle some more tonight." I said with a smile. "All we do is cuddle. Could we maybe kiss a little bit tonight?" he asked with puppy dog eyes. "I would be fine with that." I replied steadily. "Do you mind if we makeout in your room. It has more space than mine." I said still trying to contain, any inner fangirl that was threatening to spill. "I wouldn't mind. I also wouldn't mind if you took your shirt off." "If you take yours off."

Within a matter of seconds until we were both shirtless, and it was only a matter of time before we ended up in our boxers. "I like it when we strip each other." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I looked at our clock and saw it was already around mid day. "I just like seeing you without a shirt." he came behind me and put his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.  "You're more adorable than a fluffy kitten." I laughed. "Why thank you cutie." I took a hold of his hands, and spun around so I was facing him. "So what'd you wanna do?" I asked curiously. I think it may have came out as me sounding like a five year old though. "I want to be with you." he lightly kissed my lips. That was sweet. I always thought of Dan as the scary type who is rude, just not to me, And now I know he is the nicest person in the world, no one can beat his kindness. "Then will you carry me?" I asked playfully. He picked me up bridal style and asked, "Where to your majesty?" "The couch!" I commanded. He carefully made his way to the couch and sat me down. He got on top of me and straddled my hips. "Deja Vu from last night, huh?" he joked. "I don't mind." I bit my lip. He leaned down and kissed me again. "I could get used to this." I smiled


Dan you are ready to read the comments. You don't need to wait until tomorrow. You don't have to be afraid to check twitter, or tumblr, even facebook. I was sitting on my coputer at the google search screen. Phil walked over and typed a P into my search engine. The first thing that came up was Phan. Not because it was popular, but because I've searched it before. I clicked enter, scared to see the images that came. Phil came and sat next to me. I moved him onto my lap, then put the laptop on him. The computer stopped loading and I clicked images. "Dan, you don't need to do this." he reassured me. "I need to see the pictures. If I can handle this, then I can handle the comments." I felt Phil stroking my hair, as well as him rest his head on my shoulder. All the pictures had came up. The first 50 were us kissing, with hearts and #PHAN5EVER. There really was no bad pictures, but that doesn't change the comments. "Why don't we go to bed Dan." pouted Phil. "Because I like hearing your voice." I said quickly, my focus still on the laptop. I was getting ready to click on the video until Phil stopped me. "Dan you have to promise, that you won't get mad. There is going to be people who don't approve, but we can overcome them. If you get sad, I'll be here, but please don't get mad." "I won't." I said bluntly.

I opened up the video, and went straight to the comments. A good 80% was all about how Phan is real and what not. 5% was the group who didn't approve, but didn't unsubscribe. However the last 15% was the thing that set me off. They were comments, not about me, but about Phil. Saying how he doesn't deserve me, and he is just a worthless gay bastard who changed me. I couldn't hold back the tears, that were spilling over. Phil was still on my lap. He noticed the tears and moved the laptop. He started stroking my hair again. "I know this bugs you, but it doesn't affect me. Its just a few trolling girls who think you're going to marry them. The only thing that really upsets me is seeing you so beat up over this." I started to sob. "Phil, they can't just bash on you like that. You are my boyfriend, and I care about you. I can't help but get worked up over people hating my boyfriend." he moved off my lap and sat next to me. He took my hand and put his head on my lap. He layed down. I put my hand on his head. "Dan please stop crying. I love you." he whispered. "I love you too." I said through the sobs.

I needed to stop. I can't put him through this. I stood up and placed his head on the couch. I then picked him up. I took him up to my room and layed him down. I layed down next to him and placed my forhead against his. I felt the tear stains on my face, and I could see some on his. He looked at me with a sad smile. "There has been to many tears today." he whispered. "Tomorrow will be a new day with less tears." I promised. "Tomorrow we're going to go outside and go to dinner or see a movie." he told me. I sighed. I didn't  want to say no, but I also didn't want to go out alone. "Can we invite the guys. I wanted to spend time with you so bad, we didn't really get a chance to talk to them." I pointed out. "Did you forget that Cherimon and KickTheStickz are still closeted?" "Actually..." I started slowly.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and pulled up YouTube. I sat up against the head board, and so did Phil. I went to Pj's channel and pulled up his most recent video. I gave Phil the phone. "In repsonse to AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire's video we thought we would tell you something." Pj said. He was sitting on the floor with Chris. "Not only is Phan real, so is kickthestickz." Chris said proudly. They smiled and kissed before ending the video. I took the phone back and went to Charlies video. I liked Charlies the most. "Cherimon is just as real as Phan and KickTheStickz." They kissed and the video was over. I took my phone back, and replaced the emoty void in Phils hand with my hand. "That makes me feel better about the whole thing. Why didn't you tell me about these when you first saw them." he asked me. "I hadn't watched them yet. I got messages from all of them, but we had been busy doing things..." I trailed off. 

"I am happy they all came out." he smiled. "I am glad we came out. It's going to be nice to be able to hold hands in public and not having to worry about people seeing you." I replied. He turn to face me. He smiled his adorable smile. "I love you." "I love you too." "It' nice being able to say that and you are actually saying it back." he laughed. "I was thinking the same thing." I smiled. "I want to sleep now, and you're my pillow, so resume pillow position." Phil said confidently. I put my arm around his waist and he put his head on my chest. The same postion every night. It's nice having someone with you at all times. "Goodnight perfection." I said kissing his head. "I love you." he leaned up and gave me a quick kiss. "I love you too." he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. I wanted to stay awake, but I fell asleep quickly after. Today was an okay day, I just need to cope with the fact people are going to make fun of me and Phil.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it. And hey two uploads within 24 hours! Score!!!! Comment/Vote/Fan please!!!


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