Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Dan’s P.O.V

I woke up with my head on Phil’s chest. He had his arms wrapped around my torso. I looked up at him and he was still sound asleep. Thoughts from last night popped into my head. Just before I fell asleep he was running his fingers through my fringe. I felt loved for once. I wonder if Chris and PJ woke up at all last night. Phil and I were being a little loud before I got tired. As I was thinking I felt hair on my neck, followed by a pair of soft lips kissing my cheek. I turned around to see Phil smiling. “Morning Bilbo Baggins.” he said with a smirk. “Hey! That’s not funny.” I said getting up out of bed. “No Dan! Come back.” Phil pleaded. I went into the bathroom and plugged in my flat iron. I knew it took some time to warm up so I went into Phil’s room to grab his laptop. I found it sitting on his bed charging. I unplugged it and went back into my room. I expected to see Phil on my bed but he was gone. I set his laptop down and went into the bathroom. My iron was gone. “Phil!” I called from upstairs. “I’m down here with the guys!” He called back.

I walked down the stairs to see KickTheStickz sitting in the couch watching Adventure Time while holding hands. Phil was in the kitchen making pancakes with our Delia Smith book. I walked over and put my arms around his waist. “Hey babe.” I started subtly, “Where is my flat iron.” He froze for a moment before he went back to cooking. “What are you talking about? You had it in the bathroom.” he said back nonchalantly. “You know I know you’re lying.” I said back as I moved to the breakfast bar. “Can’t you just leave your hair curly for one day? For me.” he pleaded. Phil reminded me of a six year old begging his mother for a new toy or candy. I didn’t want to leave it natural, but I also want to please Phil so we can cuddle again tonight. I looked into his oceans, and you could see the desperation. I reached up to majestically stroke his mane. “I guess, but only because I love you.” I said as Phil put his head in the crook of my neck.

Suddenly Phil pulled my hips to his then smiled and ran his tongue over his teeth. I then heard some sort of slopping sound. Apparently Phil heard it too because we turned our heads on sync just to see Chris and Peej casually making out on the couch. “What the fuck. Get a room you two!” I yelled. “Oh yeah but Phil and you are grinding all up on eachother its totally fine.” retorted Chris. “Well then be that way.” said the clearly annoyed Phil. “We should get going anyway. See you guys later.” said Peej as he dragged Chris out the door. “Bye guys.” I said locking the door after they left. I looked over at Phil, who was sitting criss cross on the breakfast bar. “So, we’re finally alone.” he said relieved. “Is that you hinting towards something?” I asked suspiciously. Since when did Phil talk like a sexual predator? “Maybe, only if you want it to be.” he said with a smirk.

“To the bedroom it is then?” I said walking over to grab Phil’s hand. “Sounds great.” he said hopping off the counter. I faked grabbing his hand before running up the stairs. He quickly followed me trying to catch up. “Dan! Why must you do this to me?” he cried. I ran into his room and fell onto his bed. Phil didn’t run in directly after I did, which confused me. “Phil?” I called from his room. “Gimme a sec!” he called back. A few seconds later Phil came bolting in with my llama hat and his lion hat. He jumped on top of me, and put my hat on to cover my hobbit hair. I watched as he pulled his lion over his head. “Can we cuddle for a little bit?” I asked with puppy dog eyes. I didn’t want to get too serious with Phil just yet. I liked when we would just sit and talk. He looked at me with a smile. “Of course, why wouldn’t we be able to?” he asked sweetly. “Oh I dunno I just assumed.”  I mumbled.

We layed down next to each other on the bed, and Phil grabbed his laptop. “So you wanna watch some YouTube videos, and cuddle?” I asked Phil in hopes he’d say yes. “For sure on the cuddling, but what YouTube videos?” I was hoping he’d ask that. I want to watch our AmazingDan’s and Phillisnotonfire’s, so I could show him all the signs of me loving him. “I was thinking we could watch all the videos that we made together.” I said shyly. He looked at me with a wide smile. “I would love that.” He pulled up YouTube on his Mac and gave it to me to type in. I couldn’t decide on whether to watch Amazing Dan or Phil Is Not On Fire. After a moment of thinking I decided on Amazing Dan. That was the first proper video we had made together. I typed it into the search bar and saw a smile spread across his face.

We watched the videos together, laughing at our own stupidity. You would never realize how many secret signals I sent Phil, and the things he did trying to show his affection. I didn’t notice when we were filming, but in one of the video’s he stroked my arm. “You know Dan, we should’ve been going out a long time ago according to this.” said Phil as he shut his laptop. “That’s probably true, we were just too chicken to admit our love for one another.” I said entwining our fingers. “Well I love you just as much, maybe even more than I used to.” he said giving me a light peck on the cheek, “that is, if that’s even possible.” “I wish we could just tell everyone about our love. Let the world know our love for eachother. Be able to hold hands in public and kiss in public. I wish we could come out of closet.” I said with a half depressing, half hopeful tone. Phil looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. “I know Dan, I do too. But I think that we should wait a while to tell everyone. Maybe we could start by telling Alex and Charlie.” he said moving his laptop to the side table.

“So you’re saying that we tell Cherimon about us?” I said laughing slightly. “I bet you five bucks that they’re going out too. Which makes phan, KickTheStickz and Cherimon all real.” said Phil as he moved closer to me.” “Most likely. Hey what time is? I feel like we’ve been watching our videos for hours?” I asked yawning. We started watching the videos around ten, and I think we rewatched each one four or five times. Phil picked up his phone and looked at the time. “Oh my lions! It’s 2 o’clock.” he said astounded. “Oh! it’s not that late. We should ring up Charlie and see if he can skype us.” I said excitedly. Phil nodded before unlocking his phone. He opened up his texting and went to Charlies number.

Phil: Hey can you and Alex skype Dan and I, we have something we need to ask you.

Charlie: Actually Alex and I are a few blocks away from your flat. If you want we could come by really quick. We have something we need to ask you too.

Phil: Oh yeah that’s completely fine. You know where we are. Just come by whenever.

Charlie: Okay, well we are going to get some Shake away, then we will be right there.

Phil: NO FAIR! And okay we’ll be waiting.

After Phil sent the last text, he got up to tidy up the house. “Phil! Please come back. I wanted to cuddle until they got here.” I whined dramatically. He looked over at me with pity. “But Dan, the flat is a mess. I just need to pick up a little bit. I promise you that we can cuddle all night long. And if you’re god we might be able to do more than cuddle.” he said with a wink. Phil walked out of the room and down the stairs into the lounge I would assume. “Don’t forget that you’re still in your pj’s Phil!” I called as I got up out of bed. I went over to Phil's closet to find a shirt to wear. I will steal anything of his if I wanted to, but I know better than to take his mustache domo shirt. I scanned his closet for a moment before I saw his Dr.Pepper shirt. I pulled it out and put it on. I went over into my room, and threw on my favorite black skinny jeans.

I quietly walked down the stairs. I was trying to sneak up on Phil so I could surprise kiss him. God did I love him. His perfectly straight hair, and crystal blue eyes. Oh his eyes. His eyes give me chills everytime I look into them. Stop it Dan. You need to focus on your goal of kissing Phil. I neared the bottom of the stairs and saw Phil in the kitchen cleaning dishes. I quietly tip toed into the kitchen, carefully avoiding everything across the floor. I snuck into the kitchen, and got right behind him. I pulled him around and crashed my lips into his. It seems that I took him by surprise as planned, but it looked like he enjoyed it. “I love you Dan.” Phil muttered in between kisses. “Love you too.” I said gasping for air. As I was making out with my boyfriend I thought I heard the door open, but I figured I was imagining things.

“Oh my god!” I heard a voice yell. I instantly broke away from Phil to see Charlie and Alex standing in shock. “You owe me five bucks. Told you Phan was real.” said Alex with excitement. “Oh hey there guys.” I said awkwardly. I didn’t know where to look, but my eyes landed on where their hands were. I saw their hands together encompassed with each other. “So you’re saying Phan is real when Cherimon is over here holding hands.” blurted Phil. Looks like he noticed as well. An immense amount of blush creeped up onto Alex's’ cheeks. “So all three ships in the Sexy Six are real.” I said chuckling. “Woah wait did you just say all three?” asked confused Charlie.

A/N: Woah! Cliffhanger! Sorta of. I hope that you guys liked this. I think I might upload a special chapter on Dan's birthday. And you can expect Chapter Five to be up by Friday, but I make no promsies. Hope you guys liked, and wow 150 reads! Thank you all so much!! Until next time I love you and  vote/comment/fan. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

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