Your Name Sounds Like Candy (a Eminem fanfic)

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HAYYY so I have this new account now I used to do one direction, but this shits a little more fun sooo... Here you go:


I was six years old, I had brown curly hair that hung waist length, And blue green eyes, I was short for my age even know my mommy and daddy were both tall. I was pale, due to the fact that I didn't get out all that much. And last, I lived in a trailer. But that was normal to me, back then, there was no where else.

It was a normal Saturday, I was sitting on a stool twiddling my thumbs and sucking on a piece of ice. and mommy and daddy where yelling at each other. There was the occasional slap and screams. But again, to me that was all there was. The worst part though, the part that always bugged me was that I was the reason they were mad. It was my fault and I hated it. I jumped off the high creaky stool, and wiped a few stray tears that had fallen, and I ran outside.

It was cold out and the wind stung in my eyes, makeing them water some more. but I didn't have a jacket, mommy says we don't have the money for silly things.

I sat on a metal box outside my 'house' and could still hear mommy and daddy yelling, although I hated it, it was a familiar sound it was home, and I didn't want to go very far from my home.

I could see someone standing close my trailer but it wasn't someone big like mommy or daddy, it was someone like me. I stood up and the person stood sill, so I did as all six year olds would do. I ran to them,

It was a little skinny boy, with really blue eyes, and brown hair.


He spoke staring at me,

My parents couldn't afford to put me in school, so I wasn't used to being around kids my age. My lips where all dry, and I was getting goosebumps due to the cold.

"Aren't you cold? Don't you have a jacket?"

He asked concern on his face.

"Yes I'm freezing," I said rolling my eyes.

"But no, my mommy and daddy can't afford to get me a jacket."

The boy had a look of understanding on his face, he must go through things too, I thought.

He smiled and clapped his hands,

"I have an idea!" He said pulling off his own jacket that drug across the floor and put it on me.

"I'm not cold." He said happy with his deed.

"Thanks," I said surprised at his gesture.

"So," I said "what's your name?"

"Marshall Mathers." He replied smiling.

"You?" He asked back,

"Cat," I answered simply, giggling some.

"Hey, what's funny?" He asked frowning at me.

"Oh, it's just your name is like candy." I said,

A look of confusion was clear over his face.

"You know... Marshall Mathers, two Ms, M&M?"

I explained the obvious to this strange boy.

"Hmm, M&M? That's cool."

He seemed to be in thought so I didn't say anything.

"How old are you?" He said breaking the silence.

"I'm six, you?"

"Seven." He replied smirking at his accomplishment of being older.

I heard my mommy yelling for me too: "get in this dump your father calls a house,"

So I looked at Marshall, and he smiled sadly

"Same time tomorrow 'aight?"

He asked, I nodded.

And that's how it went,

for a while.

After two weeks me and Marshall where best friends. As children we has to make it official and make a contract, one for each of us.

But daddy got a job, somewhere else. And the day we where moving I ran to our spot, mine and Marshall's spot. He wasn't there, it was too early. So I took a pen and paper and left him a note and stuck it under a rock, it read:

Dear Marshall, or M&M:)

My daddy got a job and we have to leave today. But you have to swear to always still be my best friend. And some day, when either you or me become a epic famous person. I'll find you. Someday i'll see you again, I know it, but I'll miss you so much. Forever.


I cried after that. He was the only one who really cared, from the very beginning when I got his huge jacket, and he never left. I hoped he wouldn't be mad at me.

When we moved to California, daddy got fired in the first week. But we never moved back to Detroit, and I missed Marshall every day, there was this big hole in me and I never felt happy. And when I turned nine, and the abusing started, it just got worse from there.

Mommy and daddy would call me in once a day, and beat me. A lot, kick me till I coughed up blood, punch me till I felt like mush. But I let them. Because I loved them, for some reason I felt if they worked together at something we would some how become a normal family.

But on my sixteenth birthday, they called me in. I was worried, They never beat me on birthdays

"Leave." Mom told me.

I stared at her an turned my head but you-

"All we do is hurt you, I never wanted that for my family, so.. I guess we're kicking you out instead."

And without another word of explanation, I walked out the door, just like that. The fact that I could leave them so easily scared me, and I lived on the streets for only a few days until I found a shut down motel that lots of other rejects lived in,

and that's where I've been since.

Now I'm 31, I still have the jacket and its still way to big,

And I will find my Marshall Mathers.

I will get my best friend back.



Please give me feedback:) I love you allllll


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