Without Me

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Ok, just don't hate me:


"I love you Pet! I love you, I love you!"

I screeched for the millionth time hugging her neck.

The concert was freaking tomorrow and I was going phyco.

"I'm gonna get my buddy back, I'm gonna get my buddy back!"

I sang skipping around my room.

"Well don't act like that in front of him."

Pet muttered smirking, tracing the swirls on her arms. Her dad put them there with a knife, Her situation was original,

You see, when Pet was a little girl she was abused as well. But much worse, her father would pin her down and carve shapes on her body with a knife. Now theres just faint swirls all over her.

I giggled, "I can't help it!"

I squealed jumping up and down, God I'm thirty-one years old and acting like a little girl.

"Here," Pet said pushing me into my bed. "The faster you go to sleep the faster tomorrow will come."

She said tucking me in like a mother.

"But I'm not sleepy..." I whined, yawning.

She laughed and turned off my light,

"Good night cat."

"Night, pet."



I yelled, jumping on Pet.

"I'm up, I'm up! God the concerts not even until eight."

She muttered rolling out of her bed.

"Uh, yeah. And that's barely even enough time to get ready, silly!"

I whined dragging her to my room. I stood in front of my small wardrobe and focused on every outfit combination I had, "it's obvious I'm going to wear my Eminem T-shirt and the jacket, but I can't decide on jeans."

I told Pet studying them,

"do I want to come a cross as the trailer park girl with baggy ripped jeans?" I pondered, "or do I want it to be like one of those movies where the girl comes back completely reformed and go for skinny jeans?"

I asked scrunching up my face.

"Which ever one is more you." She said crossing her legs. I stared at her blankly,

"So the 'trailer park girl'." She added, nodding to the pair of jeans in my hand.

"Alright!" I yelped, giggling.

I gasped, "how should I do my hair?!" I panicked grabbing Pets face.

"Oh god." Pet grumbled rubbing her temples. "It's fine natural." She said shrugging, pushing me off of her.

"Okay... Now close your eyes while I get dressed!" I picked up my shirt and pulled it over my head and slipped on my jeans. I stared at the jacket, before picking it up and putting it on.

"All done." I said smiling, "can we go? Can we?" I begged after she opened her eyes.

"It's not even noon!" She exclaimed waving her arms around.

"could we still waste some time?" I asked already leaving my room, "I got some thing to do anyway," I smirked making my way to the car.

"Ok drive through Burger King really fast." I told her giggling, she drove us up to the window. Mr. Owens stared at me, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, mr. Owens... I quit!" I yelled flipping him off, he clenched his jaw and twitched, oh crap. "Go Pet go!" I laughed,

"You are one crazy chick!" She yelled with a look of awe on her face.


We drove around causing trouble until finally Pet said we could go,

We parked at the stadium and I ran to the ticket booth and gave the man our tickets.

He stared at them, then at me, then at them, and so on. He rolled his eyes and gave them back, what?

"Listen girly," he started, "if your going to make fake tickets at least make it believable." He glared at me and turned around.

Fake. Tickets?





My eyes welled up with tears, Pet was barley even out of the car when I walked up to her. She smiled at me but her expression suddenly changed when she saw my tears and the tickets still in my hand.

"What is wrong with you?!" I screamed tears streaming down my face, "cat?" She asked reaching for my shoulder, I dogged her walking past the car. I didn't know where I was going, but who even cares.

Screw this.


Ok well poop:) it gets better dont worry, who wants to guess why this chappie is called without me? You can if ya want. Oh and If it sucks I'm sorry I didn't proof read that great.

Well, leave feed back:)

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