Chapter One - My Complicated Life

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Angeles Carrara 

You are  invited for 

Olga Patricia Pena 


Ramallo Lisandro's 


Date: August 8th at 11am 

I read the invitation over and again. Meanwhile I'm sitting on the plane to Argentina with mom and my friend Pablo next to me... And with 'My Friend' I don't mean that he's my boyfriend!

12 years ago my sister died... Her name was Maria and everybody loved her. Even my mother loved her more than me! 

Maria and German (I will tell you about him later) have a child together, Violetta. I lived with them because my parents were in the hospital. Maria would give her last tour... But she died when she was on the plane to France. German said it was mine and Antonio's fault that Maria died. And then it all begun...

"It's your fault that Maria died! You and Antonio's fault" 

He screamed at me that it was my fault. "German, Maria decided that she would do that last tour!" I tried to stop him from screaming. I also said it wasn't my fault that she died but he didn't believed me...

 "You've said her to do that tour! If you didn't told her to, she was still on this world!" I said it many more times that it wasn't my fault, but how more I said it, how more angry he became... 

"I take Violetta with me! To another country! You and your family never will see her again! Never!" 

I thought he was joking, but he wasn't... 

Me and my mother searched years... But we never found them... 

Later we heard that he was in Spain, the country where I live. I've searched him and finally I found where he lived...

"Hello miss, can I help you with something?" It was Ramallo. 

"Ramallo! It's me, Angie!" His eyes became big 

"Sorry, I can't help you. Good evening." And he slammed the door in my face...

After that I heard that he again left the country, so me and my mother gave up. I will never found them again... My niece and my brother in law... I miss Violetta everyday.... 

And German? Well, he's a monster. He took my niece away after all! 

If I ever meet him again, I don't know if I can forgive him... Okay, I'm very thankful that I could live with him, but that's the only reason why I'm thankful to him...

And I have to tell you something more... 

Me and German had a secret relationship. I fell pregnant and Maria also...

 I lied about who's the father of my child. But my daughter died... And Maria's daughter not. She knew that I loved 'Violetta' as name so she called her daughter Violetta. Of course I was depressed that my daughter died... And better, I told Maria never something about me and German's affair... But German knew that he was my child's father... 

Welcome in my Complicated Life

So this was the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed reading it ❤  Vote or comment if you want more 💕🙈 

-AdoringTini X 

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