Chapter two : Kisses

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"Angeles, we're here..." Mom wakes me up. I just nodded. I stand up and take all my stuff and things. Pablo, my friend looks weird to me "What?"

"What were you thinking about?" He always want to know everything... "Something" He don't have to know about my secret relationship with German. "I know what you were thinking about!" I look to him "About what?"

"About Miguel!" Miguel is my ex-boyfriend... He betrayed me with my friend, Priscilla. "No, I don't think about him anymore." Now I don't look to him "About what?"

"You don't have to know everything!" I stepped next to my mother "Everything okay darling?" I nodded "Yeah, everything okay..."

We stepped in a taxi "Now tell me what's wrong..." She looked to me "Nothing's wrong mom..." I looked at the view. She took my chin "Now tell me what's wrong!" I took her hands "I will tell you when we're alone..." She nodded "You're not pregnant, huh?" My eyes become big "No mom! I'm not pregnant!" She smiled sad "Too bad because I want to be grandma again..."

"Mom, I want children but I didn't find the right man yet." She looked to me "Yes, I know, but don't wait till you're 40 years old!" I shook my head "I won't, I swear!" We hugged and talked a bit till we were in front of our  destination. Mom took me apart in the bushes "Now tell me!" I looked at the ground

"Is it about Violetta?" I've never heard that name again since 7 years ago... "About her father..." She looked shocked to me "The monster?"

"Yes... Mom, I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad or something li-"

"He was the father of your child, wasn't he?!" She snapped at me. I looked to the ground "How? How could you betray your sister like that?"

"I couldn't help! I loved German and my feeling were so strong!" She looked at me with disgust "I can't believe you." And she walked away.

Maybe I better didn't tell her about my relationship with German... But she's my mother after all! I had to say it someday... Maybe I have to follow her...

"Mom!" She kept stepping "Mom wait!" She turned around "What?!"

"Why Maria?"

"What do you mean?" I go closer to her "Why is Maria the most important to you?"

"I erm- I"

"Like u thought. She's your favourite. But don't worry, I knew it already." Now it's my time to go away from her.

Maria always was her favourite. Even when she's dead she's still the most important for mom. I'm sorry but I can't live with that! Do you know the feeling that your sister is more important than you? Probably not!

"Angie!" Pablo runs to me "Angie wait!" I stop and wait till he's here "Are you okay?" He took my hands "Yes I am... Have you heard the conversation between mom and me?" He nodded "But you have to know that I'm always here for you. You're my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you... Maybe we can't be friends anymore after I did this..." He placed his hands in my cheeks and kissed me passionately...

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