Chapter Ten

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Okay, My unicorn poop said I had to update so here it is! Hope you enjoy 💕🚨

"Have you been listening to me?"

What do I have to say? The truth?
"Erm... Yes..." I look to the ground. "It wasn't me... It was Maria. She decided to do this to you. She knew about our relationship so she toke payback..."

"What?" A single tear rolled down my cheek "I'm sorry I didn't told it before..." He came closer and hugged me. "Angie... It wasn't my fault... Maria's child died and I had to lie for her. Because if I didn't... Than something would be happened with you... I never meant to hurt you... But I can't stop with hurting you... I'm bad for you. I always hurt you and I can't stop it... But I love you. And you know that. I love you with my whole heart... Without you I can't work... I can't survive without you... You're my air. And I need air. I need you! I know you don't love me anymore... But I'll always love you... I loved you, I love you, I will love you forever. You're the only one for me. Nobody else... Please believe me... I love you so much..."

"German..." My voice is shaky and tears are streaming like I've never cried in my whole life "I don't know what to say..." He let me go "Don't say anything... I know you don't love me..." He turned around and walked away. I've messed thing up... I love him. I love German Castillo. I'm going to show him my love in Argentina...

Time skip
Soon I sat on the plane next to German and Violetta. German was ignoring me completely which hurts me much... I touched his hand. He looked to me with his beautiful brown eyes. I could melt in them every time... We both leaned in... Our noses touched... But shit happens. A stewardess had to interrupt us... I sat back down and looked forward me.

"Are you okay?" Violetta looked to me "Yes, I am darling..." I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. Hopefully the journey will end quickly...

"Mom. Mom. Mom." Vilu is waking me up. "Hmm."

"Mom. We're in Buenos Aires!" I shot awake. "Finally!" I stood up. Auch... My head hurts... Vilu and German are laughing at me "What?  You both know I'm clumsy!" I stepped to the middle and clumsy me, I'm falling. Luckily there was my Prince Charming, aka German. We pulled me up and kissed my forehead "Clumsy Angel..."

Muhahaha I'm the devil 😈😈😈 You have to wait till Britt is going to update 😈😈😈 Don't forget to follow her on Instagram: @/AdoringTini 😈😈😈 Vote and comment if you want more 😈😈😈

-The devil 😈😈😈

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