Bring It On!

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     The stage lights were broad as the ocean, beaming and laughing at my soul.  Oh, I needed to stop thinking like that! It painful as its is! Just breath in some oxygen and cool your mind. Just a few more minutes and it will be over. I took a deep breath, letting it out. Yes, I could do this. Nothing was impossible for me.

     Swallowing the pain, I twirled myself around the galaxies. I lifted my hands out then shot it down, as if I was catching a star that was falling to the ground. I slid my left leg out on the marbled floor, bending down I let my right hand kiss it gently. I winced in pain, feeling like my head would fall off.  I gently pushed myself up, and spun on my right leg, and strutted a pose. I opened my eyes to see stunned face, as the usual. I put on my smile and stuck out my victory sign. Bare with it, just a few more minutes. You can bare with this Jewel!

    “Well there you have it there people. The Pop Queen has out done us again!” said Yamada-san , the host of the show.

    “Oh,  you compliment me way too much, thank you!” I said cheerfully, as I tilted my head, slightly to the right. I instantly felt like I was hit with a baseball bat, but painfully I smiled not letting my pain show. I could bare through this! A few more minutes...

    I just smiled, and laughed as the last minutes of the show continued. Oh god, please let time go by faster. 

    “Well that is all the time we have for today, we’ll see you next weekend,” said Yamada-san . The camera crew yelled cut, and not a second later  Yamada-san let out a sigh of relief, I did the same inwardly. “You truly are tremendous at dancing Jewel. I really glad to have someone with your amazing talent to be on my show!"

    Giving him on of my famous smiled, I replied, "Thank you but you really compliment me to much! It really was a pleasure to be here! I haven't had this much fun in a while! Hopefully you'll invite me again!"


   "Of course I'll invite you plenty of times. In fact you can pop in when ever you feel like it! Your fans here, in Japan, truly adore you!" He stopped for a moment his petite hand going to his ear, then speaking once again. "Sorry Jewel apparently there is emergency backstage so I got to go!"

    “Thank you Yamada-san. Thank you for your hard work!” I yelled as he ran off to the problem, but not before he turned around and gave me a smile with a wave.  After I thanked everyone on the crew, with a smile on my face, I walked to my dressing room.


     As soon as I shut the door, my smile faded, as I sank to the ground. I touched forehead to wince at the bowling bowl. My fever had risen again. I let out a sigh…this was showbiz. What many people thought was “the life”.

    “Hm, it's a shame to have a daughter like you,” I heard of the one women’s voice I hated so much. She took …never mind. Positive thoughts Jewel, positive thoughts!

    I turned around…”Mother.” Oh, how that was poison in my mouth.


    “Daughter,” she replied back.

     Daughter? What a lie!

    “Why are you here,” I asked, as I slowly got up from the floor and walked towards the couch. Why was I walking slowly? Maybe it was because I was becoming a hot boiled bowl of soup, or maybe it was because the women I detested was here.

    “To tell you that you messed up in the dance. You were supposed to push out you right leg, not you left one, foolish girl. And also were you not taught to keep you emotions locked. You look very ugly when you cringe your eyebrows. ” Once again I was nagged, I kept myself from rolling my eyes.

    “Get to the point. There is another reason your here!” I said bitterly to this mother. She was too cruel, too greedy. I didn't mean to act so rudely, but...what kind of a mother makes her daughter train when she has a twisted ankle or a fever above ninety-nine degrees!

People say your parents are doing what's best for you. Then why did she treat me like one of her products. I had no freedom. I had nothing of mine. She treated me like I was her puppet, ready to follow her commands and make her some do re mi. I was just a thing that made her money, not her daughter! I wanted my real mom, not this women he pretended to be her. Sometimes I looked at her, and wondered where was the sweet, loving women had gone to. The one who would glomp me out of no where, or kiss me several times. The mom who I baked our special cupcakes with. 

    But she was gone now. What I would do to have her come back. My mom that wouldn't treat me like a product!

    She laughed and then looked at me. “I thought of what you said yesterday, “ she said slyly.

   I recalled yesterday…

   I briskly walked through the halls, my anger fuming everywhere. I couldn't do this anymore. I walked through the empty hall way toward mother office. I was sick and tired to being pushed to my limit. Sometimes even beyond that. I was sick of training hours and hours with no breaks. I was exhausted from these six years. 

    I pushed open the doors to her office. “Jewel , what are you doing here, ” said my mother, placing her head in her manicured hand.


    I stared at her before answering, “You clearly know why I’m here," I said bitterly, take a deep breath I continued. "The same reason as the last freaking six years!  I’m sick and tired of being pushed until I collapse! For the last time I’m not a merchandise, that you can use anyway you want! I’m suppose to be your daughter! Can’t you see I’m tired of this! What kind of mother are you! I hate being a star, idol, pop star, model what ever you call it! I’m tired of it all! I don’t won’t to be famous if I'm just being a fake. I've never did! I want to be real to my fans, not some doll who only does what she's told,” I ranted, letting it all out.


    I couldn’t just quit being  famous. No, of course not… Even if I got my liberty, where’d ever I’d go I would be recognized.

     Really, because when you’re an international star, people just adore you to death. You could be recognized in the middle of the desert. But I wanted be free, to know I could make my own choices and it’s also annoying to have a disguise on all the time. To not hurt people for fame. I wanted to eat what I wanted to. Wear what I wanted to. Help the world the way I wanted to. Sing and dance the way I wanted to. Smile and cry when I wanted to. I wasn’t even allowed to have a  favorite color!

    “Ya, what a about it?” Something was fishy here.

    “Simple, I’m giving you your freedom.”

    Something wasn’t right here. Mother just didn’t give, there always was some kind of catch. “What's the catch,” I asked.

    “ You truly are my daughter… It’s rather simple you see.” She pulled out a paper and placed in front of me, with a pen.

    “A contract and a pen and what am I suppose to do exactly?” I said as I crossed my legs and one of my eyebrow went up.

    A wicked smirk came onto her face.

Black Diamond (Watty Awards 2011)/PAUSED-FOR A VERY LONG TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now