The Deal is Made Bringing Me the New Encounter

978 40 31

     I adjusted the dull banana colored bush on my head, hiding my crow like black hair. Sighing I placed in the color contacts, and then the lipstick that practically matched my skin color.

  Grabbing the thick red glasses and putting them on, I finally took on full look of myself in the mirror. The outcome the disguise was...remarkable. I was no longer Jewel Starlet the beautiful super model. No longer was Jewel the famous singer or actor. I was a Brooklet Lightings, the manager of the next boy band sensation. Breathing in I took in the full change.

    My wavy midnight black hair was now replaced with a dead banana colored braid. Though I'm sure it could be mistakened for a dead bush. My once exotic blue eyes were now gray. Making my face look dull. The glasses didn't help a bit either. Though my lips were't really cracked, the fooled the world into believing they were, no longer having their natural pink color. Sighing I wish I could change my skin tone to make this disguise even more brilliant, but there really wasn't anything I can do with my pale skin. Biting my lips I prayed that no one would recognize who I am.

    I turned around, leaning against the long mirror, it was those long ones. I remembered the scene that happened yesterday and my new obstacle to my freedom. The deal I made with Satan.

    Biting my lower lip I wondered if I could do this. If I could really train and become the manager of five boys and make them into a sensation. The top boy band in Korea, within a year.

    This was going to be hectic, with me trying keep up with this disguise. Nobody was suppose to know who I was, including the boys. Could I really keep up with my famous life, and this new life?

     I looking at my watch I realized I had 10 minutes to get to the room. I stepped out of the private bathroom and went to the dance studio.

    I put my hand to the door knob. I took a deep breath. Turing the polished door knob, I entered the dance studio.

I saw the back of the five boys, who were facing my mother. “Oh, your here already. Boys meet your new manger,” mother said with enthusiasm. As they each turned my way, my heart thundered against my soul. I quickly examined each one of them.

    I attention was caught to the cute twins. They were identical, but were the complete opposite to one another.

     One of the boy had  reddish, pink color, but it led more to red. He was about my height, 5'8 ft., but maybe an inch or three shorter. Hazel eyes. He screamed a punk look. 

      His mirror, his twin, looked exactly like him, expect he had his natural hair color-black and more of a classic look, but had a bit and carefree look. They looked around 14. Oh they had the cutest noses!

    I moved on to the next boy was similar to boy two, but not as carefree. He had black hair and a matchtching set of black eyes, that had a brownish and hazel ring around them. He was way taller than me, maybe  6’5-6’4 ft.. He held the charms of the group, even though he a look of digust on his face.

    I moved my sight to my next prey. I inwardly groaned... Let just say you could tell he was a player, well someone smart could. He wore a hat and had one of those emo yet preppy looks to him. He wore a hat with skinny jean and a shirt that said kiss me.  He had a lollipop in his mouth playfully twirling it around rather playfully, with a playboy smirk. He was about two inches taller then me.

    The last boy I honestly don’t know how to exactly describe him. He looked like a mixture of all the other boys, but with his own texture. Instantly I knew he was going to be the most popular of them.

Their eyes widened as they fixed on me. My heart instantly started a tsunami of heart attacks. They couldn't have figured out who I really was! No of course they haven't. I made this disguise to be unbreakable. Relax just breath Jewel, it’s going to fine! “What,” I bittrely asked.

    “She is our manger, she‘s hideous,” exclaimed the red head boy, while rudely pointing at me, his mouth hanging open. Immediately my hands started to flex. I knew my disguise wasn’t the prettiest, but still just to say that! Why that little-

    “Hideous, try more like revolting,” said the his mirror, interrupting my thought.  My fist clamped together, as I grinned my teeth. Keep it cool!

    I forced on a smile. Oh, but not the my famous TV ones. This one twitched! “Well that was bit rude of you," I paused taking in a deep breath and then continued, "but sadly your opinion are just a scramble of useless words. Anyway let try and not get on each others bad side shall we. My name is Brooklet Lightings. Now tell me yours.” Yup I made up a name. Its quite nice isn’t it. Brooklet Lightings, it has a weird but has dull ring to it doesn‘t it.  I waited for them to say their names, but as expected they didn’t.

    My mother smirked at me, for I was failing already.  I sighed this was already difficult and it hadn’t even begun.  “Well um…what was your name again,” mother faked, smiling her wicked smirk.

    “Brooklet Lightning,” I played along.

    “Oh yes Brooklet Lightings, well I'll leave everything here for you to take care of. If you find anything troubling at all, please do inform me.” With that she left

     Yeah right!

    Now, I guess I could start of by knowing there names. So I asked, ever so kindly, and do you know how they respond?

    “Why should we give our names to an ugly iguana,” said boy five. Well that was kind of mean…

    “Hmmmm… how about we play a game,” I said, as I walked  toward them, purposely tripping myself.  They looked not surprised. Classic twin even smirked, nodding his head. Good, they think I’m clumsy now. I think I’ll add that as a trait of Brooklet Lightings.

    “What game,” asked Classic, but not so carefree , his face expressionless.

    “Hmmm, lets do a dance off. We’ll compete against each other, or rather you guy will compete against me. And if I win you’ll do tell me about yourselves…deal,” I said with a genie smile on my face.

     “What if we won,” asked boy two with a scowl oh his face.

    “Then if you win, then I’ll be your personal slave. How about that?”

    “And you have to treat us to lunch… forever and always! Just to let you know I like lobster,” said the red head, smirking. I thought about, and it seemed fair, but of course they wouldn’t win.

    “Okay, deal!”

Black Diamond (Watty Awards 2011)/PAUSED-FOR A VERY LONG TIMEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant