I'm Your Manger and Trainer

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-yo please vote comment tell me you opinion and so on. I need comments people! Anyways please read and enjoy hope full you'll like it. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, even if your not a fan. Anyway on with the story!

    I got my I-pod out with the speakers. Plugging it in. “Okay all set what song first. Oh by the way we’ll all be performing it to the same song. You know to keep it fair.”

    They rolled their eyes. Classic of the twins snatched my I-pod away from me, showing it to his twin. “We say that we use the song  Deadly Light,” they said mone-tone together. That was one of my songs. It was one of my least popular ones. Mother was furious with me when it came in eleventh place on the charts. I’m glad someone enjoyed it. It was one of the first and last songs I wrote when I was twelve. I smiled.

    The mixed package snorted. “I think not, we are playing Pens and Knives,” he said as he snatched it away from the twins.

    “And why should we do that,” said classic twin, while snatching back my I-pod.

    "Because Jewel Starlet is lame and fake, and because I said so," he replied.

    “We are playing Jewel Starlet’s song whether you like it or not,” the classic twin yelled getting in a fighting stand. His twin had a frightened look on his face, quickly putting his hand on his brothers arm.

    “I say we put my I-pod on shuffle and which ever song pops up first, we use that,” I said, snatching my music device from them and putting it on shuffle.

    “I find that fair,” said the other two, responding together. The other three boys just scowled at us. The first song that popped was…Pureness by Aya Ueto. I put it on pause.

    “Okay who volunteers on going first?” Playboy raised his hand, with a smirk on his face.

    “Be prepared to be amazed sweetheart!” I rolled my eyes.  Putting the song on play, he begun to show me his magic.

    He wasn’t bad. Oh, who am I kidding he was great! He lifted his arm in the sky doing a double flip. He twirled around on his feet and strutted. He was good, but he had to remember to look ahead instead of at the floor.

     It was the twins turn, and they danced pretty good. Like the other one was mirror. It’s as if they rehearsed how they were going to dance, and if they didn’t rehearse well that just freaky!

    Next up was older classic looking male. He wasn’t bad nor was he good. We had to work on that, I thought as I nodded my head. He was to stiff, and felt like he was hiding his energy.

    Last but not least was the package. I watched him, amazed. He had a lot of talent! Soon the song ended. Okay so this is what I analyzed; the playboy just had to work on his direction, and we had to work on older classic boy's dancing skills. He knew the moves, but I wanted more freedom in his moves. He was to closed in and stiff. I wanted to add personality to his dance. The twins were good, but I wondered if they always danced together. It be better to see them different moves from each other. Package boy was very good, but we had to work on his personality... Well of theres.

    I turned off my I-pod. “Wait, what are you doing,” the twin questioned me.

    “What does it look like, I’m turning off a electronic.”

    “No, not that you dumbest , it’s your turn to dance, you up,” said Mr. Package, scowling at me.

    “Nah, maybe later ,” I said, fluttering my hand in the air.

    “But you have too, if you want to learn our names, and if you don‘t then that means you forfeiting and you have to our slave.,” the playboy said, giving me a sumg look.

    “I did, I remember not such thing,” I said tilting my head to the side, playing innocent.

    “Look stupid, you told us-,” Package said, but I interrupted him.

    “Tsk, tsk I remember idiot and I already know your names.” There mouths hung open.

    “What did you really think I didn’t know your names? I’m your trainer and manager and already checked you files. But of course files don‘t show me your talent so I had to trick you into dancing. Boys, Boys, you really can‘t really that gullible in showbiz.” I said as I leaned against the mirror wall. Yup I’m doing a cool pose. I bet it looked cool. I sighed, for they still had confusion was printed on their face. 

    I pointed at Cherry colored twin. “Your Ryo and your twin is Shin. Oh and nice moves, but I‘d like to see what you guys can do separated.”

    I then pointed at Mr. Classic, but I'm not so carefree. “Aku. We have to work on your moves, my kind man. You need to let go and dance with passion.”

    I pointed at the one most aggroant male in the group. “And you Mr. Playboy are Ash. You have control your direction. Your audience isn‘t the floor.”

    Taking a deep breath I finally  pointed at the last boy, the package. “And your Aki. Your good but we have to work on ego, now don’t we.”

    With that I gave smirk and pushed myself off the mirror wall. “Well boys it was quite interesting meeting you, but I’m afraid it time for me to leave.” With that I left the studio with them shocked. I snickered to myself, I hadn’t had that kind of fun for a while.

    I looked at my watch. Shoot, I had 30 minutes to get my interview of my music video. 

My next chapter will be up soon. I just have to add details and edit it. Oh and add some more to it-not details hehehe. I think you will like the next chap. (My nickname for chapter lol) Jewel's or Brooklet's personalty comes out. Which is kind of weird. I mean like...it was like my fingers had a mind of there own a created a personalty for her. Hopefully you'll see it.

Um...oh I unbolded the other chaps...including this one-but I guess you can see that. I would really like to thank everyone for reading and voting for me. It made me so haaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyy. Oh and if I haven't gotten to your story yet I will soon!

Anything else to say...um...oh the reason I didn't't use chan, san, kun was because they confuse me and I've never been to Japan nor am I Japanese-I'm asian thought lol. But if I make any mistakes about the life style, and locations of Japan-do tell me! Also tell me about any of my grammer mistakes. I was never keen on grammer. I mean it's not my best subject even thought I do my best to avoid mistakes.

Love you all!

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