I'll Have to Do It Myself

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 -     If u see a big gap that mean a new location, kay

          “Cut,” yelled the director. “Jewel sweetie what wrong with you today? You messed up your line again. You seem out of it today…Why don‘t you take a ten minute break,” he said. I sighed. I don’t deserve someone being nice to me. Sure I usually nailed all my characters and my mother was one of the richest people in the world, but I still deserved the harsh comments he gave to the other cast members…

       I sat down in my seat, trying to forget about them. How could I be cruel! I-no Jewel you have to stop thinking about them for now. I took breath and slowly closed my eyes trying to get into my character.

    Slowly my soul transformed into Maya, my newest character in a horror movie. I started twirling my hair, while waving my feet in the air. I couldn’t help but giggle at how stupid everyone was. They were all so clueless. A wicked smile came on to my face and all my mind told me was to kill. I’ll kill anyone who get in my way…anyone.

    “Cut, cut, cut! Jewel is there something wrong with the drink,” yelled yet another director. I sighed inwardly. The boys hadn’t come in for training for a couple of days…I hated guilt! It made me feel horrible. It was like a diseases, slowly spreading all over your body, distracting you from life.

    “Jewel,” he yelled again. Aw, I got distracted again!

    “Sorry Director Ying! There’s nothing wrong with the drink,” I quickly replied.

    “Then why are you making that face? Look Jewel this is suppose to be a happy, joyful ad, not a mournful one okay?” I nodded my head. He took a heave a sigh and started to roll the camera for the eighth time. Once again I forced myself to forget about them for a while. I was Jewel right now, not Brooklet.

    The first thing I do when I see the boys is to say sorry. I’ll tell them I was wrong-

    “Jewel why did you stop dancing,” my choreographer yelled at me. I winced, but put on a sorry smile. I was really tired and slightly in pain right now. Night training was really tiring more then morning training.

    “Sorry Daisy-,” I tried explaining, but was cut off by him.

    “Not another word girly! Y-,” but was cut of by a venomous voice.

    “Daisy I think I’ll handle it from here,” my mother said.

    “Yes Miss Starlet,” Daisy said, bowing to her and quickly leaving the room. I scoffed. He only respected her because of his high salary.

    “So how is it going with the boys,” she asked with a stupid smirk on her stupid face.

    “It’s been fine,” I answered her.

    “Oh, really,” she said. Like a tiger she strutted towards me, her prey, but I didn’t run in fear. I stood my ground, my emerald eyes looking into her muddy brown eyes. I started in those  cold eyes. Those eyes with no sympathy, love, only selfishness. Those eyes that took everything from me.

    “I’ve been hearing you’ve been distracted…why is that,” she said titling her head. Suddenly a jolt of pain shot through my injured leg. I swallowed in the tears and whimpers that were about to burst out of my mouth.

    “I don’t know,” I said, while looking her dead on in the eyes.

    “You don’t,” she said, pouting and adding pressure to my poor foot.

    “Remember Jewel that you have to be the best in everything if you want your freedom…it’s part of the contracts we signed. So you better stop acting like a little amateur,” she whispered in my ear. Slowly she stepped off my foot and walked away.

    A couple of seconds later Daisy walked in. Great, so I don’t get a couple of seconds to breath freely, to let out this pain!…Why am I complaining when this has been happening to me for eleven years?

    “Lets start over again,” Daisy ordered.

    “Sure! I promise to get it this time,” I said with a smile on my face, my head tilted to the left. It was easy for me to disguise my voice, after all I had to be perfect at everything.

    I was currently at the boy’s dance studio waiting for the boys to arrive. I took out my cell, thinking about my connections. No, it just wasn’t right. Our three hours passed and they still didn’t arrive. They had too! They had a gig within a week! I had set it the day I became a monster…I was so stupid. I bit my lip. I had to do something. Just waiting for them to arrive wouldn’t work. I limped towards the door, soon walking normally as I walked out of the room.

    Tomorrow I had to find them…

-Okay I know this chapter is very short, but the next one will be up today or tommow! Also I will soon, or already have put up a trailer for Black Diamond! And who do we thank for this. None other My_Poker_Face! It's right over there.>>>>

-Also I like to dedicate this chapter too Madcatter123! If it wasn't for her you wouldn't have gotten this chapter this early-even though it short-the next chapter will be up soon though!

-And what else do I've got to say? Oh and if I haven't read your story, don't worry I will! It just I've been busy this month. So don't worry if I haven't gotten to your stroy I will! (I'm talking about those people who I promised at the club)

-I've also found the right person to play Aki! It's Minho from Shinee!

-Well see u soon! Thank you for commenting and voting and fanning and libarying!


Black Diamond (Watty Awards 2011)/PAUSED-FOR A VERY LONG TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now