Don't Force Passion Into Someone

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      Step, breath, step and ignore the pain. Step, breath, step and ignore the pain. Step, breath, step and ignore the pain. Step, breath, step and ignore the pain. Step, breath, step and ignore the pain. I kept saying this ritual in my mind.

    “You dimwit quit bumping into me,” Eggo yelled as Ryo. He quickly steadied the guitar in his hands, as we walked down the stairs.

    “Shut up Eggo! Incase your big head hasn’t noticed I’m carrying an instrument too,” Ryo retorted. He quickly pressed down on some keys on the keyboard to prove his point.

    “Would you quite complaining! Unlike you dummies I’m actually carrying something heavy,” Ash said and trying to point at the drum set.   

    “Don’t yell at Ryo like that, you idiots,” Shin yelled, defending his brother. How I wished…my thoughts were interrupted by Ash and Eggo.

    “Aww did I hurt the duplicate’s feelings,” both Eggo and Ash said together. They instantly looked at each other, sharing the same expression. Glaring and scowling.

    “Don’t copy me,” they said again.

    “Stop that!”

    “Stop copying me you dummy!”

    “Are you sure you guy aren’t the duplicates instead of the twins,” Aku said with a smirk.

    “Shut up,” yelled the other four boys.

    I took another hazy breath as I forced myself to walk normally on my right ankle again. Ouch… I was couple of steps behind the boys. Usually I would be the one in front, but my ankle was trying to kill me. I tried my best to ignore their bickering and complaining.

    “I don’t understand iguana! How come we didn’t use the elevator,” Ryo wined. Aww to cute! He was like a puppy! I quickly got out my camera and took a picture, without anyone noticing.

    I gritted my teeth and said, “Because Ryo this is a form of physical training! When your in a boy group you’ll have to dance a lot while singing! So get used to it because there will be many more trainings like this!”

     Really all we did was climb two stories and walked through a couple of hallways. Sadly I had to participate in the training as well. I mean what if I took the elevator, while the boys climbed the stairs. Only once I got to the room they wouldn’t be there. So then I’d have to bring down the instruments myself! Usually that be really easy for me, but with my awesome ankle that seemed impossible!

     My thoughts were interrupted when Aki said, “You know what I don’t get?” Everyone now looked at him. “Why is Bush-Head over there is walking slower then us, when we are the ones carrying the instruments?” 

    Bush-Head! Why you little-   

    “Yeah, how come your walking slower then us,” the twins asked titling their heads in the different directions.

    “Duh, because girls are slow…and stupid,” said Ash, while rolling his brown eyes.

    I scoffed. Usually I would retort something back, but I needed to save my energy for later.

    “Don’t you think that Bush-Head should carry these instruments,” Eggo asked, with his stupid smirk.

    They all stared at me, a smirk growing at on their stupid face. They better not do what I think there doing!

    In a quick instant I saw the piano and violin in the twin’s arm come at me. I quickly caught them while trying not to fall down the stairs. Next came Eggo’s and Aku guitars. I once again caught them painfully, while making sure not to tumble down the stairs. Finally the thing I dreaded. In horror I watched as Ash let go of his drum set, causing it to fall down the stairs.

Black Diamond (Watty Awards 2011)/PAUSED-FOR A VERY LONG TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now