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"Hurry up, Jack-ass" I waited for my best friends sneer comment but it never came.
"Richard" I yelled. When he never replied I hung up the phone and gave up. I'm sure he knew where to meet me at by now.

The small Bookstore/ Coffee shop me and Richard also go to slowly came into view and I couldn't wait to go inside since it was freezing cold outside and the smell of their coffee was my favorite.

The little shop was always packed around 7am all the way through 5pm and I just happened to be there at 4:30, great.
I walked in and the little bell on the door announced my arrival. I cleaned my snowy boot on the rug at the door then made my way to the table I usually sat at. Minutes later Richard came walking into the Coffee shop with a pair of glasses on his face.

I questioned his odd choice of style since there was no sight of the sun and it was snowing outside. I frantically waved my hands from across the room, motioning him over. He looked behind him before looking at me and pointed to himself as if asking if I was indeed talking to him.

"Yes you asshole" I yelled across the Coffee shop, of course I wasn't loud enough for anyone to complain.

He walked up to me hesitantly
"Ha, do I know you?" He asked smiling a bit.
When I heard the words come out his mouth I noticed that this person wasn't Richard. My eyes bulged as my hand flew up to my mouth. I called them an asshole oh gosh.

"uh..uh..no sorry" I mumbled. I would've told them I had mistaken them for one of my friends but I was already to embarrassed.
"Yeah I thought so, I'd remember a face like yours" he scratched the back of his neck and smiled a bit wider.

He seemed so familiar. I felt like I knew him, I just couldn't put my finger on it. If I saw his eyes maybe I'd know who he was.
I then remembered what he said and my face turned into a deep shade of red.
Was this stranger flirting with me?
I was getting ready to thank him but he spoke again.

"So who did you think I was?"
"Excuse me?" I asked a bit stunned

"You obviously thought I was someone else. You don't look like the type of girl to walk around and call random people assholes"
I blushed again, still kinda embarrassed from my previous actions.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about" , I said shifting awkwardly "I thought you were my friend Richard"

"Oh really" he asked kinda amused
"Well it just so happens my name is Richard"
"Yeah but you're not My Richard"
"I can be your Richard." he said flirtatiously. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave or keep talking to this person or not.
"No thank you, one Richard is enough for me."

He still had that charming smirk on his lips and in all honesty it was really attractive.

"So what's your name?" He asked
I figured why not tell him my name, I most likely will never see him again.
Boy was I wrong.

"Can I call you Andy?"
I shrugged, "Why not, everyone else does."
"Or if you don't like that I could just call you mine"

This boy just doesn't stop does he? I shook my head kinda amused and non-amused at the same time, if that makes sense?
"Yeah, no Andy will do"
He shrugged and everything got quiet.
To quiet for a busy caffe. I looked around and noticed we were the only people in the shop minus one other customers and two employees.

I gasped and looked down at my watch. It was now 6 almost going on 7. Did I really spend this much time talking to Richard. Speaking of Richard, where was my Richard at?

"Oh shit, its gotten dark out" he informed me, even though I could clearly see that.
I looked back up at him and nodded.
"I should head home" I said leaving the boy inside the store
"Yeah me too" He yelled out. The coffee shop bell rang which I assumed was him leaving.

I heard the sound of snow crunching and the presence of someone behind me.
I turned around and saw him.
"Are you following me?" I asked, kinda skeptical.
"Do you think I'm following you?"

I would usually be scared if someone I just met just so happened to be "going the same way as me" but for someone reason I wasn't scared now, Richard looked about my age and I was 16. What's the worst a 16 year old boy could possibly do?
I shrugged and continued walking.
"I'm not" he said walking a bit faster next to me "My house is this way" he clarified.
I nodded and kept my pace. The cold winter air was causing my fingers to numb and my ears to freeze, I just wanted to get home fast.

"You said last week, I waited.
You said Monday, I waited.
I waited to fucking long. And now you gotta go,Slim"
I heard a deep male voice say before the sound of a gun shot rang through my ears.
I stood still in place to shocked to take in what just happened. Me and Richard stood right in front of a Guy with a gun and a now dead body lying on the sidewalk. Can you say wrong place at the wrong time.

The man that held the Lethal weapon turned to look at us and pointed the gun directly at my forehead.
I started to shake in my boots.
My body wasn't capable of doing anything else. I was close to death but I couldn't do anything about it. I wasn't ready to die yet, I didn't even get to tell my mother I loved her when I left my house.
Before the mysterious man got the chance to pull the Trigger the faint sound of police sirens came our way.
The man point a finger at me and Richard before giving us a creepy, sinister smile and speeding away from the scene before the police pulled up.

When the gun was no longer aimed at me I quickly came in control of my body again and I broke down crying. I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and held me to their chest, whispering reassuring words in my ear.
I didn't care who it was or the fact that my pants were gonna be wet when I got up off the floor covered in a blanket of fresh white snow.

I just witnessed a murder and I was almost the next person to go.

A/N: I'm really excited about this idk why. I probably won't update anymore chapters after this and the next one. I wanna finish one of my other stories before I started this one completely. But ay if you like it so far comment and vote and all that jazz

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