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The more questions I asked the less answers I got which just made me to ask more questions then before.

"Does anybody else know where we're going, like our parents for instance?"

"No. Your where abouts are classified" The new officer who's name I had yet to learn, said.
"That's dumb, why can't our parents know? It's not like they're the ones trying to kill us" Wil explained.

He took the words right out of my mouth. My dad won't even allow me out past 12pm I don't think he'd be too keen to know I'd be gone for a while plus the fact that there was a crazy murderer after me, then adding that I'm with a boy I bearly know in a hidden location, he knows nothing about. Thats basically every dads nightmare.

Doing nothing but crying and talking half the day away really takes the energy from someone. I felt my eyes getting heavier and I fought to keep them open but I'm weak and the urge to sleep my messed up life away took over my body.

In my dream my life was the way it usually was. The way it should be. Like having a pointless argument with my nephew about how much better pancakes are then waffles, heading to school with Richard, my mom forcing me to become a vegetarian like her because it's "the way to a perfect life" and then me eating a huge steak with my dad. But when I woke up all those things were left in my head, waiting to be dreamt up again some other day.

My head was on a boney surface which was kinda uncomfortable if you ask me. After I took in my surroundings I realized I was leaning on Wil's shoulder.
I jerked my head up fast and mumbled an apology, there's was no doubt in my mind that I drooled on him, a bit.

Nevada.. was the first thing I heard when I awoken from my bittersweet slumber.
I guess we were heading to Nevada?

Due to paying attention in school I knew From California (starting point) to Nevada (stopping point) is about 10 hrs and a few minutes away. I'm not sure how long I was asleep but before that we were driving for a while, our destination shouldn't be that far away now.

None of us spoke, I asked most of my questions already so I had nothing to say. Other then the small static sound coming out of the car radio and the tires crusing against the gravel, it was quiet.

My stomach decided she hated silence so she spoke up, and when she spoke she made sure to do It loud.
My face turned a slight tint of pink due to how embarrassed I was.
I hadn't ate anything but 2 peanut butter crackers and apple juice at the police station and even that wasn't enough to fill a toddler.

"Here" Wil spoke up "It's not much, actually it isn't really anything but its all I have, sorry" said he handing me a piece of gum, I could smell it's minty taste coming through the wrapper.

He was right, it wasn't much but it looked as if nobody else had anything to eat so this gum was the best I had.
"Thank you" I said, before peeling back the wrapper and popping the piece of gum in my mouth.
Wil nodded before turning around to look out the window next to him. I'm not sure if he saw anything but I sure couldn't. It was pitch black. Occasionally you'd see an orange neon sign shinning bright but that was about it.

Silent Hours passed by and I was wide awake due to my nap I took earlier. But Wil on the other hand had his head perched on the glass window, passing Zzzz's. He looked like a child, an adorable child that didn't get his milk and cookies and threw a tantrum before crying himself to sleep. I couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about.

"We're almost there" the officer said, not taking his eyes off the road.
I nodded and slouched in the uncomfortable leather seat,
I should've waited to fall asleep.

More hours passed and the police car finally came to a stop. The sudden halt caused Wils had to bob forward. He woke up startled then quickly calmed down.
"We stopped" he said a groggy voice.

"Because we're here. Come on" the officer said before opening the car door and getting out.
I sent Wil one last looking before getting out. It was pretty dark but I could easily tell that there was nothing around. No big city streets, no blinding city lights. And no people. Were we on a different planet. Everything looked kinda creepy.

The sound of the car door aggressively slamming shut caused me to flinch a bit. I heard a low chuckle and the sound of rocks being kicked.
"This way" The officer said guiding us to the place I assume we were gonna be staying at. Even in the dark I could tell the building was extremely small and by the looks of it, it was kinda old.

Once we pushed our way in the entrance, there was an old lady sitting at a desk in the front. This place was a hotel? You wouldn't be able to tell by the outside structure of it.

"Hello" the lady at the front desk said, giving us a wrinkled smile. "My names Judith, Welcome to The Bayview Inn."

A/N: I wasn't gonna update this book yet but I thought ehhhhh who cares. Anyways sorry this chapter is kinda boring. At Least they're at their destination!

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