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"I don't wanna get it..." Wil vigorously shock he's head.

"Well I don't either....Man up and answer it!" I shouted but low enough so the person couldn't hear us speaking.

"I hate you so much.." Wil said before jogged towards the corner of the room and grabbing a shoe

"Really?" I asked in disbelief "A shoe?"

He gave me a nervous look then inched closer towards the front door that was singing with the knocks of someone's knuckles.

Once he stopped right in front of the door, he paused and took a deep breath. I on the other hand was panicked in the corner of the hotel room ready to haul shit just in case anything bad were to be on the other side.

Wil found enough courage to swing the door open and raise his weapon, ready to repeatedly blow who ever the person was but when he saw the small figure he stopped with the shoe still raised in the air.

"Oh my!" Judith screeched, along with another manly voice.

"Holy shi-, i'm s-sorry ma'am" He stammered trying to recover from his minor embarrassment while his checks were tinted red.

Wil almost hit an old lady with a shoe..

"I just wanted to show the repairman the room he was fixing up" Judith said still in shock. She ran her hands down the long brown dress the was on her body and turned around to exit in a hurry, leaving behind a startled man with dozens of grey hair and a box of tools.

"Come on in..."Wil gave him his best forced smile.

"I think I'll have this Television fix in no time" the repairman with the name, Tony said, working his magic with all the wires hooked up in the back.

In all honesty I expected his buttcrack to be on display like how repairman's are usually shown in movies but that wasn't the case.

"Okay" I spoke up, laid on the couch. My legs were propped up on Wil's and he mindlessly ran his fingers along side the bottom of them.

2months ago if you asked me what I would be doing at this moment, being laid up with a movie star on a hotel couch while waiting for our tv to be fixed definitely wouldn't be my answer.

"I hope Star Trek is on," Wil smiled brightly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm on it.." he scoffed.

I gave him an apologetic smile and mentally face palmed myself. Of course he's on star trek. Maybe this tv being fixed would be a good thing for me.


This chapter is trash lol, Ooooops. I just wanted to update because I haven't in a while (sorry about that) so yeah this is more of a filler chapter. I'll try Try to keep up with this book more which might be hard because I start school in a few weeks. but anyways thanks to everyone reading and commenting on this book. :)))x

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