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[not edited]

Andy's POV

it was getting closer and closer to Christmas and the small town was getting more merrier by the minute, even Judith took the liberty of decorating the hotel a bit but it just didn't feel like Christmas to me, I wasn't home with my family. What was the point in being jolly?

"So this is what we're gonna do all day, every week?" Wil yelled, emerging in the living from the small bathroom.

"I can't be cooped in this house" he sighed. "I'm claustrophobic."

Covering my mouth, I fought the urge to laugh at his overreaction. "Well, there ain't no where to go, pretty boy."

At the sound of his new found nickname Wil sent me a small smirk earning an eye roll from myself.

"When I was out getting some food the other day I saw a Flyer posted, something about a Christmas themed parade, in town. We should go!"

The idea didn't seem that bad but I was a stickler for the rules and we were told to stay in this hotel room. Although we broke that rule once or twice those were emergency reasons which made it okay.

"Come on Andy, stop thinking, you think to much, just do it"

A part of me agreed with Wil, I did think to much but I would never admit we for once came to terms on something, Thinking was apart of who I was just as much as my stubbornness was.

"The officer told us to stay in the hotel room" I said in hopes that it would make Wil change his mind.

"Oh who cares, doesn't seem like officer fruity pants is coming back anytime soon. He won't even have to know!" Wil scoffed, inching closer to my personal bubble.

"W-what if something happens?" I muttered. His swift closeness catching me off guard.

"What's gonna happen? You got me to protect you" I could feel his breath inches from my face and I wanted nothing more but for him to lean in.

Snapping myself out of my lust struck daze, I scurried away from Wil and leaned towards the window, trying not to give off the vibe that I was uncomfortable.

"Okay, we'll go." I replied, in a shaky voice, trying to regain control.

"Yeah?" Will smiled. Receiving a nod from me.

It was scary how one minute I can be  fine and just from a simple action by the kid I could be sent in a hormonal frenzy. Maybe I was already into deep.

After Wil and I were both showered and feed. We trudged out our hotel room, bundled up in our necessary winter weather wear. As we walked down the old creaky stairs the all to familiar face of Judith appeared, greeting us with a warm smile like usual. "Have fun out there children."
she beamed.

"You should come, it would be nice to go out ma'am" Wil offered, returning Judith's smile. His stroke of kindness mentally making me aw.

"Oh no thank you, son. Gotta stay here and take care of this old place. You guys go have fun."

Hesitantly nodding, we sent Judith one last wave before opening the entrance door and coming face to face with the December air.

"Just when I thought I was getting to know, you throw this on me. My infatuation for you, gone! why would you rather be a dark Sith Lord?" Wil asked, overreacting yet again.

walking into town he took it upon himself to make small talk and Star Wars just happened to be the discussion at hand.

"Because they're badass" I shrugged. I obviously wasn't seeing the big commotion from this conversation. Movies and Tv shows were never anything I can sit down about and have long discussion on because like I said many times before I bearly watched them.

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