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After last nights events I felt as if me and Wil had some kind of new found respect for each other.

I woke up to his sleeping body at a respectful distance from mine. I stood up and rubbed the sleep out my eyes before throwing on my shoes and walking downstairs to the front desk. I wasn't surprised when I saw Judith there as usual. The place was really small so she was the only person that worked here, judging by the fact that people bearly come to the Bayview, she most be really lonely.

I wanted to talk to her about the TV problem, even thought I'm not a huge television person, Wil was really looking forward to watching it.

"Hello" I greeted Judith, with a lop sided smile.

"Hey doll face, anything I can do for ya?"

I smiled at her again and nodded. "Uhm, yeah the TV in our room isn't really working.."

"Ah yes, people tend to say the same thing when they stay in that room, they also say it's haunted" she gave me a sinister smile before chuckling "I'm just kidding."

I wouldn't be surprised if that dang room was haunted. After everything that happened to me in there, that would be the only logical explanation. Unless I'm turning crazy. I gave her an uneasy laugh and sifted uncomfortably.

"But I'll call someone today to fix that TV of yours, yeah?"

I nodded my head and turned around to walk back to my hotel room but before I could she continued talking

"Say, what brings you and that boy here? If you don't mind me asking"

I slightly panicked not knowing what to say. I could just say. We're here hiding away form a crazy person trying to kill us for no good reason, oh yeah plus that boy is a big movie star. But that wouldn't be good, now would it.

"We're on vacation" I mentally patted myself on the back for my quick lie. Damn Andrea that was good.

"I remember when I went on vacation with a guy" she winked at me and continued "7months after that my daughter Lisa Marie came out"

I cringed at the thought of her story and that she would think me and Wil..would ever...
"Wait don't you mean 9 months" I asked, jumping up and sitting on the desk.

"Nope 7months, she came out a bit early" Judith informed me.

I nodded and slightly prayed that this conversation was over. It was making me uncomfortable. I jumped off the counter figuring she was done, but I was wrong.

"Oh yeah one more thing. I brought you and that boyfriend of yours some breakfast. Figured you guys don't have much" she pulled out a plastic bag from under her desk and slide it my way.

I wanted to correct her on the term boyfriend but I figured when it didn't register in her head the first time I told her we were just friends it probably would never.
"Thank you" I smiled at her genuinely and grabbed the bag that contained our food.

Finally I got to walk back upstairs to my hotel room. When pushing open the door I walked into find Wil still asleep. I closed the door loudly in hopes of him waking up but It didn't work. I walked over towards the bed and got a good idea.

I stood on it lightly then started to jump. His head shook due to the constant movement. Soon he was up and alert. When we say me hovering over his body he groaned and closed his eyes again.

"Wake up" I whined, plopping down next to His figure.

He open his eyes again and glared at me, but when I brought the bag of food in front of me his eyes shimmered with excitement. "What's this, food in bed? Andrea you shouldn't have" He said sarcastically.

"Actually I didn't. Judith did, seems like she has the hots for you" I joked winking at Wil. He muttered something under his breathe and slightly shivered.

"What did she get" He asked, leaning against his elbows.

I grabbed the styrofoam containers and opened it, finding inside your basic pancakes,eggs and bacon
"I hate eggs" I said gagging at the smell of them

"What, how could you hate eggs?" Wil asked dramatically

I shrugged, not knowing what to say. "I just do"
"Well what other foods do you hate?" He asked genuinely interested.

"Ketchup, all though it's not a food. Oh-oh yeah! Chicken nuggets and fish sticks. Yuck"

Wil starred at me with his jaw hanging open trying to figure out how I could hate the things I named "You're weird".

"Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird." I said quoting one of the few movies of his I happened to see.

He gave me a cute side smirk, picking up what I was putting down. After that we ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

not edited
A/N: HEY I decided to update today because ITS WIL'S BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHEATON. ILY. 💛🎉🎊🎂🎁
This way kinda short so this might be a part one and the other part I post (whenever) will be the 2nd part. Oh yeah and tbh I hate all those foods. I named, ew.

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