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"So what's your characters' name again?"

"Wesley" Wil reminded me for about the fifth time. We were in the middle of watching Star Trek reruns and I still hadn't got the hang of everything yet.

"Oh yeah."

"What do you? How do you have fun?" Wil asked,shifting his eyes to the end of the couch we laid upon.

"Well, when I'm not hiding away with movie stars in hotels I like to go to work with my mom and help her take care of animals, she works at a vet."

"That's cool"

"So, Wheaton when you're not walking down red carpets and meeting celebrities what else do you do?"

I felt that this was a good thing, me and Wil had yet to get the time to actually talk to each other like this.

"Surprisingly I'm not a big red carpet person. I like to play video games most of the time."
I can't help but sneak a few giggles in the conversation. "How Cliche."

"Hey, I'm slightly offended. How am I cliche. Please tell me, Andy"

I cleared my throat and put on my best movie star voice "I'm just a normal person, I like to watch tv and hang out with my pals, oh also I enjoy spending thousands on things I don't need and going out to lavish parties."

Wil grew slightly irritated and inched dangerously close to me until his face was inches from mine.
"That's not me, You don't know me, you don't know anything  about me!"

I felt slightly threatened, when his voice rose but I wasn't afraid. Why should I be?
"You're right I don't and now I'm not sure if I want to. Next time learn to take a joke"

Before I knew my arms were seconds away from shoving Wils heavenly toned chest away from me but his reflexes were way more faster then mine.

His slightly larger hands grabbed ahold of my wrist and brought my arms over my head, pinning me against the couch.

Even with a glare on his face his doe like features stood out. I stared back challenging him. We didn't talk with our mouths, our eyes did all the talking.

Suddenly Wils, lips crashed into and honestly I wasn't surprised. The kiss started out slow but still filled with passion.His lips were soft and wet, they were perfect.

Wils grip on my wrist loosened and I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer in.

We both needed this. The kiss was rushed and hurried but I wasn't complaining. Wils hands tangled in my hair slightly pulling it causing a small moan to slip out my mouth.

After a while realization hit me and I quickly leaned away from Wils hypnotizing lips.
"Uhmm..we should stop."

not edited
Stupid short cliffhanger.. :))) Holaa, i haven't updated in a while but i'm gonna try and change my sinful ways!

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