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"Secret asian mannn!" He sang rather loudly.

Stopping in my tracks I turned to give Wil a confused look. "What?" I asked, slighty confused on what just happened.

"It's a song, you probably wouldn't know it, you know because you don't really watch much tv or anything like that."

"Well that doesn't sound right" Giving him one more look I continued our walk to the address Judith gave us.

"Well, those are the words"
"Are you sure? What if it's agent man?"
"Of course I'm sure! It's Asian."Wil scoffed, almost offended.
"Sorry it's just.. Why would someone make a song about a Asian man.. That's weird" I deepened

"I don't know" he shrugged, Kicking small pieces of ice. "It's a catchy song though"

Deciding to just let the conversation die the rest of our walk was silent, besides the sound of the snow crunching from the weight of our bodies. It's seemed as if we were walking for ages but finally we reached the small house. There were only two cars in the driveway. So I assumed we came rather early.

"Are you gonna ring the bell?" Wil asked
As we reached the doorstep I started to feel weird. I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach like something bad was gonna happen but there was nothing I could do now, I mean, we were already.

Letting out an annoyed sound Wil reached over my shoulder and rang it himself. Taking in my change in mood he gave me a worried look.
"Hey you alright there Andy?"

Before I got the chance to explain to him that this was I bad idea and we should just head back to the hotel instead the front door swung open.

"There you two are, come in, come in" Judith Cheered, Smiling from ear to ear.

Yup. It was definitely to late now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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