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Signing in the hotel was the easy part, Judith was in her late 70s and she didn't seem to know who Wil was, which was a good thing.
"You'll be staying on the 6th floor, door number 69" she said, handing us the room key.
Wil let out a childish chuckle which led me to nudge his shoulder in annoyance.

After hauling our bodies up the hotel stairs due to the elevator being broken, my lungs felt like they were on fire, I've never been so drained, not even in Gym class.
The number 69 was painted in bold letters on the white door that could easily be mistaken as grey, the hotel could use a lot of touching up but I wasn't gonna complain, at least out loud I wasn't.

An annoying creaking noise rang through our ears as I opened the room door,
Which was really dark. We all walked in the hotel room hesitantly and cautiously, just in case there was someone in there and just in case we had to run from that someone in there.

I scanned my hand over the walls searching for a light switch, When my fingers ran over a bump I flicked it on and the room illuminated with light. Now that I could finally see the place I was gonna be staying my assumptions on how it would look was not accurate. The walls were a crummy blue color which was pealing off and in desperate need of a paint job. There was one bed and a small couch in the corner of the room, accompanied by a medium sized TV that probably didn't work. To my surprise the kitchen area was actually pretty decent looking.

"When does Casper the friendly ghost pop out and scare us" I sarcastically asked nobody in particular
"This was the best place you could find?" I added. So much for not complaining out loud.

"It's an uncommon place to look, it's Perfect. Now kids I have to go back to the office but I'll be back in a day or two"
What? I turned my head to the man in uniform "You're leaving us here? Alone?" I asked frantically

"Just for a few days."

Wil scoffed from his spot on the ugly brown colored couch.
"Do any of you have money?" The officer asked.
I pulled my jean pockets inside out to show him all I had was lint and a gum wrapper.

"I have 20, I was planning on buying coffee earlier but that didn't really work out" Wil said, referring to today's events.

"Here's 40" The officer said handing me that money "60 should last you guys a day or two. Be safe. I'll be back" he said before taking one last look at us and walking out the door.

"And then there was two" Wil said, standing up and going in the kitchen to raid the mini fridge that was in there. He came back with two bottles of waters and handed me one. I gave him a small nods and took the water out his hand.

"So..tell me about yourself" he said, twisting the cap off his water and taking a sip. When he was done he slid his shoes off and capped his bottle. I wasn't sure how he could get comfortable in this place so fast. I took off my big winter coat and laid it on my lap.

"Well where do I begin" I started
"I'm 16, I go to school like any other normal teen, I don't really have any hobbies, I'm bad at everything" I let out a forced laugh and continued "my life is pretty boring" I shrugged.

"You just have to make that most of it, live you know" he said slumping back in the coach and resting his head on the arm rest
"I guess you already know about me"

"Not really" I admitted sheepishly. I didn't wanna sound like a loser for not knowing basically everything about him so I added more to my statement "I-I mean I know who you are, you're Wil Wheaton pft duh, I just don't know much about you" I probably shouldn't like an idiot to him.

He positioned his head up straight and looked at me. "Figures"
"What's that supposed to mean" I asked slightly offended at his comment.

"Oh, nothing bad I swear" he threw his hand up in the air showing he meant no harm.
"Well. I'm 17 and..." He started but stopped in the process. I scrunched my face up questioning his sudden break.

"Sorry, I'm just not use to describing myself or my life for that matter." He, rubbed the back of his neck and let out a throaty sigh.
I nodded, although I didn't know where he was coming from. I couldn't relate to him, our life's were just to different.

"It's pretty late. We should head to sleep" he said, picking up his shoes and moving them near the door. He checked all the windows and made sure they were locked before making his way next to me.

Sleep actually didn't sound like a bad idea at the moment. My state of being wide awake was wearing off, although I was hesitant to sleep in this place what other options did I have?

"I'll take the couch" I said
"No I got it, you get the bed." Wil protested

I felt bad for him but apart of me didn't actually wanna sleep on that couch so if he insisted I take the bed I wasn't gonna put up much of a fight. I shrugged and kicked my shoes off before climbing in the twin sized bed. The thought of bed bugs and other parasites that were possibly living on the bed ready to feast on my blood when I fell asleep made my skin crawl but there wasn't much I could do.

I threw one of the pillows I had in Wil's direction so he was at least kinda comfortable on the couch. The sound of the pillow fabric coming into contact with plastic was heard, no less then a second later a splash of water was added.

I slowly covered my hand over my mouth, stunned at the fact that I most likely just knocked Wil's water bottle out his hand. I never had the best aim.

He let out a high pitched squeak before quickly clearing his voice and grunting.
"Well thanks for that" he stood up off the couch and walked in the bathroom in hopes to at least dry his shirt a bit.

"Sorry"I mumbled. My hands were still over my mouth so I wasn't sure if he heard me or not.

He came back out the bathroom with less article of clothing. He was now shirtless. The sight of his naked upper body caught me off guard, I couldn't do anything but stare at his abdomen and gawk over it. I realized how weird I probably looked and turned around in the bed quickly so I was facing the other direction.

The sound of his socks shuffling on the thin rug was constant before it came to a sudden stop, the flick of the light switch was turned off then the sound of feet shuffling was heard again. Now it was pitch black.


I was a few minutes deep in Lala land but the sound of footsteps woke me up. I was always a light sleeper. I held my breath and frantically threw the covers over my head as if that was gonna stop whoever the person was from attacking me. The sound got louder and louder before it came to a sudden halt right I front of my bed. The sound of a man whispering was heard hovering right over my ear. That caused my blood run cold. What's going on? The voice sounded just like the murders voice, which sacred me even more. I screwed my eyes shut and pulled my feet closer to my chest in a fetal position.
It's just my imagination I chanted over and over again. The sound of the whispers and the sound of Wil's light snores mixed together in the hotel room.

Just like the footstep the whispers stopped and all that was left was the sound of light snores. I wasn't planning on sticking my head out the covers though, just in case. After whatever just happen there was no way I was going back to sleep.

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