One: "Drowning in Love"

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( This is an Disclaimer : the pictures in the book are not mines was found through google ands other sites) thanx youu enjoyyy!! )

Sometimes I feel as if the world is looking down at me. Sometimes I feel as if I'm locked out a cage  ,that I can't get out of. Sometimes I feel that no one's giving a fuck how people hurt. I hurt differently from most. Try me. how about the fact that the beauty that everybody recognize has caused more damage in my life. That when I look in the mirror I think I'm an ugly Duckling who never blossom to the pretty duck. Every time I smile at the camera and make million dollar pictures and photoshots. In my mind I'm choking and hurtful thinking is in my head. I never thought I was beautiful to be honest I don't even know what it means.

I'm just looking into the full body mirror, touching my face. I looked through the background of the mirror ,seeing my glam squad preparing my makeup and clothes for tonight's Pre-Grammy party. Sadly I'm not going to the Grammy's for me. I feel like an slave to my own body.  It's sad how I don't even know what rapper I'm going with. I look over at my manager my aunt Sara. She was orchestrating them and telling them to hurry up the process.

Still looking into the mirror, I trace the outline of my white robe. Looking at my body and how flush my body seems, of course no one can see because I'm the only one who is feeling the pain and hurt.

I gently let my robe fall, exposing my naked body to the mirror, looking at my body parts. Tears streams down my face as I rub my body. One of the crew members from Glam squad tapped my aunt. She looked over at me with a shock facial expression.

"Are you out your mind?!", She said as she pick up some more clothing. I sigh and put back on my robe.

I didn't answer my body is exhausted and I can't take no more criticism. I start to walk away from the mirror still looking back to see how my back side is.

"Your fine", I heard as I look through the mirror seeing who it was. I smiled a little as my gay hairstylist Fabian walks up to me.

"No I'm not", I said rolling my eyes walking to his hair chair. He smacked his teeth"you know you are honey, with your beautiful skin, nice body and hair your such a baaaaad  bouche!!!". He said as he release the hair clamps from my hair.

As I was getting my hair done Fabian asks", Mama cita what rapper taking you to the Grammy' s?".

I sigh"I don't know, you know how my aunt is, she's like the Chris Jenner of this shit.". Fabian laugh low as he brush my hair.

"Well you always get hooked up with some bomb ass rapper, remember the last time you was at the grammys with Joey Cartel. He's one of the top rappers in the industry girl, your Aunt be straight hooking you up with money", he said as he start flat ironing my hair.

"Well, I'm not interested in none of them, but you know I have to keep this persona of rebellion and hold this reputation as a video vixen...I'm so", I said.

Fabian stop doing my hair and looked at me"wait honey I'm confused, it seem like your not feeling this life style, correct me if I'm wrong but at the beginning you was so happy about being in the lime light",he said.

I grab my iPhone and said"I did but then ,when the press is constantly making rumors, and my aunt pressuring me to be with this guy that guy and then, the news telling me to gain more weight like jesus I never get a break. Everywhere I go there's always bright lights that make your eyes hurt like a mug .And it ain't the sun, it's them fucking paparazzi!", I yelled paparazzi because I was just so fed up.

Fabian shhh me because  He didn't want my aunt to hear. But I didn't care, I'm sick of not sleeping. I'm constantly shooting this movie,modeling,Taking photos for magazine and Press. I understand that I'm the new sex symbol, but can I get a break.

My aunt comes in telling off someone on her phone as she walks up to me.

"SHE WANTS THEM NOW, SHE IS LEAVING IN THREE HOURS GET ON IT!", She commanded as she hangs up. Then looks at me.

"Look Your date is Lard Sanders, he's the most popular sex symbol R&b artist out right now.", he'll be here in a hour so Fabian put on a push.", she said as she rushes out to handle Some more business.

I turn to Fabian"see that shit, didn't even ask how I was doing or anything. Just straight to the point.

My aunt has always been strict on me.I know that Money her life  because she never had a life. no child hood or anything. Word around the family  that she was married at 14 yrs old  and was basically force to be an adult. But I love her ,and without her help I wouldn't be at the place I am now.

So an hour after I got ready, I stare into the full wall body mirror . I looked Red carpet ready, but it wasn't me. I felt uncomfortable.(Look at the picture for the look she had on). Then a knock appeared on the Door .

Fabian yells"come in!". When I turned around there were two officers standing there. Now I turn around because I haven't committed any crime.

My aunt comes in"don't panic guys, these are the gentlemen that's gonna escort you where ever you and Lard go.". I nodded my head and turn back to my glam squad. Then out the corner of my eye I see a person that made me double take. The person was lightskin, smooth skin, nice body had long hair in a ponytail braided down and sexy juicy lips. I try not to stare but it was the new personal chef my aunt hired. A smile appeared of my face but I try to hide it.

To start a conversation I said"that looks yummy, what's your name if you don't mind me asking.

"Tisha Combs head chef in Las Vegas own four Five star restuarants", she said. I don't care about all that ,you know how I am about fame. But I get it trying to sell her business.

I have always liked women, I think their a beautiful creation to me. I love the way they smell, their little attitudes and the way they are more caring to me then men. Maybe I'm tripping because of pass relationships with men but Tisha is hot.

"Nice what you serving?", I asked. Hoping she say me.

"Ma'am we have Chicken Pacatta, with Linguine sauce,and shrimp pasta,would you like some 1847 red Wine?", She asked.

I smiled"yes". She kepted it very professional, no smile, No nothing straight business. Hmmm I need to know more.

(Thanks for reading to the end of chapter Yall !!!. I really appreciate it!!!) 

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