Twelve :Peace

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I'm sitting by the water fountain that Tisha told me to meet her at.The rain had stop so it was damp outside. I made sure that my bodyguards were near me at all times because I'm really famous out here. As I wait, a fan walks up to me with a note pad and a pen. The girl asks the body guard can she see me, and when the bodyguard looked at me I gave him the head nod okay to let her in.

She walks up to me with her pretty brown eyes and hair, just like me.

I smiled hugging the little girl"hi gorgeous how are you". She was so nervous she was shaking.

"I'm doing good, I really love you", she said.

I laugh low saying"aww, I love you too beauty what's your name?". She smile blushing showing off her dimples.

"My name is Darlene", she said in her cute voice. I just smile because my fans be so young sometimes I wonder how they know about me being a model. Because the way I model is not for kids. Maybe there moms.

"How old are you Darlene?", I asked her. She hand me her note book"I'm 9 years old and I heard that you go out with my favorite rapper Joey cartel?".

I sigh trying to cover up my hurt "yeah, were just friends,you wanna autograph?".

"Yes please and one for my older sister Emily, she's 17 years old she wanna be just like you", she said.

I nodded my head as I sign one for her and her sister. As I was signing in the corner of my eye I see Tisha walking up to me. The little girl smiled as I hand her the notebook back and she ran away.

Tisha said as she sat on the water fountain edge next to me"your famous everywhere baby girl".

I smile looking at her"hey". She smiled and start slowly sliding her hand over to mine. At this moment I didn't care what people say about me being gay if they don't like it so be it.

I snatched her hand and pulled her close to me. And the paparazzi were going crazy with the pictures. Tisha was shocked, she couldn't believe what I was doing. Then to make the world really loose their mind, I kissed her fully on the lips. She looked at me with astonishing look.

I simply said to her"is that gay enough for you?". Tisha smiles and says sarcastically"no not at all"....


I wake up naked in silk sheets , what a night. Tisha and I made love all night long. It was so good. I look to my left and Tisha wasn't on the otherside of the bed. So I got up naked but sliped into my mink slippers and walked to the kitchen were I found her making breakfast. So I decided to walk up on her and hugged her waist.

She didn't even jump. I said as I hug her"why you didn't jump". She laughs low and shakes her head.

I said "what?". She sighs with a smile"baby, you are not a quiet waker uper person, when you wake up you squirm around all loud and you yawn hella loud. So you sneaking up on me shouldn't be on your mind honey". She kisses me on my face. I smiled and walk away to the living room cutting on the tv. And when I did , it show Tisha and I by the water fountain kissing.

I laugh low and yelled from the living room"baby!, were on tv". I can here her walking to the living room.

"You got to be fucking kidding me", she said smiling. I looked at my phone I had 70 miss calls from my aunt and publishers and companies are hitting me up for interviews.

I called my aunt because I know she got a lot to say.

"Hello", my aunt said.

"Hey what you doing auntie"

"Oh nothing just seeing that my niece is gay to the world how about you?", She said sarcastically.


"Yeah so what's this all about?"

"Well, I was gonna tell you but I didn't want you to freak out and I knew we wasn't on good terms."

"At the end of the day I'm your aunt, and I love you, yes I might have been fucked up in the pass to you, but it was because I felt you wasn't woman enough, but this situation you prove you can be your own and no one elses"

I literally had tears in my eyes"oh... okay well love you too and thank you for molding me to the woman I am".

"Oh no it wasn't me, it was you all are an amazing women you hear me. I love you and I'm glad your happy,".

(It was a silence on the phone then finally aunt speaks)

"I know this sounds crazy but thanks to you everyone wants to have an interview with you about you coming out, maybe it was a good outcome. Seriously, were making it big and you have movie deals coming up and all kinds of things now, your the shit right now and I need for you to come home....with Tisha too and let's do this"

I looked at Tisha who was just smiling and teary eye"well if it alright with Tisha?".

Tisha smiles and wink her eye, and I chuckle low blushing.

"Well alright auntie see you in a couple of hours"

"Okay sweetie see you then".

On that note I looked at Tisha kissed her and I lay my head on her arm thinking now I can breathe.

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