Another flashback

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*Andy's Pov*
We walked out of the hotel room, hand in hand, and headed towards the guys room. We just reached the lift when I felt Jade's hand grip tighter around mine.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned, as I did the lift doors opened and some people exited out and we walked in.

"I remembered" she said so low I could just hear her.

"Remember what?" I asked concerned looking at her. She just looked straight ahead as we were going down.

"My dad" again she wouldn't look at me.

"Jade look at me" I asked not trying to be pushy but I was getting really worried. She turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes were watery and she looked like she was holding back tears. Before I knew it I wrapped my arms around her and that's when I felt her tears streaming down my chest. She couldn't hold it anymore.

*Jade's Pov*
I couldn't hold it back anymore. I remembered everything the moment I looked at him. I had a flashback of what happened before the accident, before my mum lied to me about my age, who I was and who my family was. The moment I hit my fave on Andy's chest another flashback appeared.


"Jade!" I herd his deep and loud voice come from the lounge room.

I slowly walk in, frightened for not only me, but my mum. She was sitting next to him looking as scared as I was but didn't say anything.

"Get me another beer" he demanded.

"Don't you think you've had too many already dad?" I replied in a low voice.

"What did you say" he stared at me now, with those eyes that haunted me in my sleep.

"Don't you think you had enough" I could see my mum in the corner of my eyes giving me the 'shut up darling please' face.

"Who do you think you are?! When I ask you to get me a drink, you get me a drink" he stood up from his chair and was staring down at me.

"Yes dad" I sighed.

"What?!" He screamed in my face.

"Yes dad" I said a bit louder so he could hear me.

"Don't give me attitude bitch!" He screamed, slapping me in the face.

"I didn't, you couldn't hear me" I pleaded.

"You calling me deaf?!" He threw me on the ground and started kicking my ribs.

"No dad" I tried saying in between cries of pain.

"Worthless shit" he spat, still kicking me over and over again.

*end of flashback*

I cried harder into Andy's chest. That flashback was similar to the one I had the moment I saw him at the door.

"What's wrong" Andy's asked worried still holding me tight.

"My dad use to beat me" I struggled to say.

I could feel Andy tense and I pushed him away from me so I could look at him.

"You didn't know?" I asked. His eyes weren't looking at me, they were looking at the wall of the lift.

"No" he said through gritted teeth. I kissed his lips, and after a second he was no longer tense and he now put his hand on my waist.

"That was before" I said after we broke off our kiss. "And I have everything good in my life now" I smiled at him and soon he became a reflection of me and smiled back.

Hey guys! Another chapter :) So Jade's dad is an ass hahaha! Anyways thanks so much for the comments and votes and reads! Really means a lot:) please keep commenting what you think of my story now and please keep reading because there is heaps more to come:) thanks guys love you

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