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"MUM! DAD!" Drake ran straight towards us. I let out a laugh while Andy picked Drake up and gave him a hug.

"Hey guys sorry we're late. Here did you want to go today?"

"I herd there's a carnival somewhere around here" replied Jake

"CARNIVAL!!!" Cc and Drake both screamed.

"Carnival it is" Andy chuckled and we all headed out the door and out of the hotel.

"Now Jake, where the heck is it?" cc asked excitedly.

"Ahhhhh" Jake looked around hoping he would find a sign or a bill board or anything. Before he confessed his lack of knowledge he herd kids screaming of joy.

"I think it's over here?" He asked more than explain.

We all followed him and to our luck he was right. There were rides, big and small, that went really fast or really high. There were stalls which held stuffed toys and games to play to obviously win them. Drake screamed of joy and ran towards a fair floss stand with Cc.

"God I haven't been to one of these in so long" I sighed and walked towards Drake with Andy holding me.

"Dad, can I ride on the roller coaster with CC?" Drake asked with a mouthful of fairy floss.

"If that's ok with CC. But if you get too scared you can stay with your mum and I" Andy replied messing up Drake's hair.

"I'll be fine!" He laughed and before I knew it, CC and Drake were gone.

"Jake and Jinxx, did you want to go on the horror train, or is it too scary?" Ashley pouted acting like a scared child.

"You better watch out Purdy or I'll shove this fairy floss up your-"

"Come Jake lets just go" Jinxx laughed leading the two guys towards the train trying to stop them from punching each other.

"Look over there" Andy said pointing to a soft toy. "I think we should get that for Drake"

It was a soft toy of the batman symbol. I started to giggle and put my arms around Andy, playing with his hair.

"You obsession with batman is crazy" and we both headed towards the stall.

It was my favourite game to play. We had to put the balls in the clowns mouths to try and get a specific number that will be added with all the numbers the balls landed. I immediately go for the blue clown, as blue was my favourite, and Andy went to the clown next to me.

"A pink clown I see" I teased him and he just shot me a glare.

"What's so wrong with pink" and before I could answer the lady gave us our 5 balls.

"Here you are darlings, good luck" we had to get 29 to get the batman symbol and I could see how determined Andy was.

I put my first ball in. A 6, the highest number you could get. Before I could put my second ball in I herd Andy curse. He had already used all his balls!

"I got 20 god damn it!" He looked up as the woman gave him a small stuffed unicorn.

"Here you are pumpkin" the lady said, while Andy forced a smile.

"That's adorable" I couldn't stop laughing.

"Just put the balls in the clown" Andy fake pouted hugging his unicorn.

I put my second ball in, another 6. I could feel Andy staring at the clown, then back at the barn symbol. He really wanted to give this to Drake, he's so cute. Another 6, wow I was on a rolls. But I was worried I'd go over. I got a 5 and my heart was racing. I needed another 6 to get 29. Andy was holding on to the unicorn so tight, I thought the head was going to fall of.

"Come on baby you can do this" Andy said. I smiled, took a deal breathe, closed my eyes and put the ball in.

"You did it!" Andy jumped up, throwing the unicorn in the air and collecting the batman prize. "I hope Drake will like it"

"I'm sure he'll love it"

Hey guys long time no see ;) I'm back because I saw you guys really wanted this to continue and I know it's been ages but please don't hate me! I've decided I will finish this story, but I might not be consistent so bare with me! If it isn't obvious already this is the original writer and no one has taken over this account. Sorry this isn't a big chapter just wanted to give u guys something :)

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