I'm so confused

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*Jade's Pov*

I could process what had just been said. I was so confused. Who is his father? Why did he say I was his mother? I can't be, can I? What, no I can't! I wpulf have remembered, I would have known I had a child. I havnt lost my virginity yet! How is this possible?!

I pushed him away from me, and once done he gave me a frown. I didn't him harshly, just so I could see his face.

"What did you say?" I asked, struggling to get the words out.

"Mum I have missed you" he said, tears coming out like a water fall. He tried so hard to resist from hugging me again, but he knew I needed space. He knew I was confused, yet he didn't explain.

"How old are you?" I asked. I'm only 17, and if he was 5 or 6, that would mean I would of had had him when I was 11 or 12, which is highly unlikely.

"3" he replied in a whisper, knowing what I was doing. Trying to make sense of it all.

"But you had me" he said, like he was trying to convince not only me, but himself.

"I would of had to been 13 or 14 though, and that's unlikely" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I have a birth certificate" he said, his eyes looking straight into mine. Those eyes, they reminded me so much of........wait.

"Who is your father?" I asked. It came out more of a demand then I had intended, but he had to understand. I mean, a little boy coming up to you and saying your his son, that's pretty crazy.

In the slightest whisper, nearly to quiet to hear, he said "Andy Biersack".

My heart stopped. Wait, Andy, as in the Andy who broke up with me because he didn't want to 'hurt' me again. The same Andy who said he was his uncle. The same Andy who I have missed and craved for. The same Andy who just randomly started to flirt with me. I couldn't take in what he just told me.

"Yes, I'm Drake Biersack" he confirmed, whipping some tears.

"Your not making any sense" I said, turning my face. I can't stand him looking at me like that, like I am someone he cares about, loves. Like I'm his mother. And I can't take it.

"Mum please, I missed you" he begged, trying to get another hug.

Just as he was about to hug me I herd a voice. It was coming from behind me. Someone was running towards us, I could hear there voice getting closer.

"Drake! I've been worried......" It was Andy. I knew without looking back.

"I just wanted to see mummy, dad" drake said, running to Andy and giving him a hug. "I didn't mean to scare you"

"As long as your-" I cut him off.

"Why is he saying I'm his mum?! What did you mean you didn't want to hurt me again?! What is happening?! I need answered!" I screamed to his face, Drake breaking down into more tears as he was holding Andy's hand.

"Mummy I still love you" drake said letting go of Andy and hugging me again. And like I wasn't the one controlling my body, like someone else was, I hugged him back. And surprisingly, I cried with him.

"I understand you need answers" Andy started "but it's been a long day. Let's go back to the hotel and call it a night, it's getting dark. I'll explain tomorrow".

I was about to resist because I was so confused, I needed answers, but as he mentioned calling it a night I realised how tired I was. I picked drake up without thinking, as if instincts, and started to walk towards Andy's van. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I could feel him smiling, which pissed me off. How could he be smiling at a time like this?

"Why are you smiling?" I spat.

"Because I love you, and I'm going to finally do what's right" he said. When he said I love you, my heart skipped a beat. I knew inside I loved him too, but I had no explanation. I took it in and didn't know how to respond, so I just smiled back and nodded.

"OMG! Drake we have been worried sick!" I herd all the guys, coming from the van. I dropped drake and he ran towards them.

"Jade!" CC yelled, running towards me and giving me a hug. "I thought we wouldn't see you again".

I laughed and hugged him back. "Well apparently there is a lot of explaining happening tomorrow, but for the mean time I'm just going to go with the flow" I said in a calm voice. Even though my voice seemed calm, my head and thoughts where dofferent. How I be calm?! I have a kid, Andy loves me, and he is supposingly the father, my mind was going to explode. But all I did was smile, it was going to make sense tomorrow.

"Let head off to the hotel" Andy said, jumping into the van and heading to the front seat. Everyone did as ordered and jumped back in the van and sat in seats. No one spoke the whole trip, they didn't dare to. I could tell all I wanted was peace and quiet, if I didn't get an explanation.

We got to the hotel and when we walked into the room, my stomach started to rumble.

"Shit guys, I'm starving" I said holding my stomach. It was the first thing anyone had said.

"We can order room service" Andy said, kissing me on the cheek. What was up with him? kissing me on the cheek all the time? I was going to question, but knew it wasn't worth it. And I missed those lips, even if they didn't interact with mine, it was still nice.

"I'm hungry too!" Drake complained, mimicking what I had done.

"Can I have pizza?" He asked.

"Sure bud" Andy said, messing up drakes hair. "What would you like hon?". It took me a while to realise he was talking to me.

"Oh, just a burger and chips" I replied, sitting next to Drake, who was sitting on a king size bed.

Before I knew it, my head was on the pillow and I fell asleep, before even eating. I herd the rest of the guys leaving the room and getting separate ones, just for tonight, as they felt we need some time alone. Even if it was just sleeping. I felt Andy's arms wrapped around me from behind. I was laying in his arms. I missed him so much. I placed my arms on his, eyes still closed. I need to try and sleep.

*Andy's Pov*

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, and she placed her hands on my arms. I missed her, I wanted her so badly. Maybe I can finally make things right, not hurt her again. I gestured drake to sleep on the single bed Jake would have slept on. The guys knew I wanted this time alone with her, with my little family.

I had to explain the awful past, the awful truth, to her tomorrow. And after telling her I don't think I will get to do this for a while, that is if she agrees. Agrees to stay, I never want her to leave. I saw her go once, I'm not going to see it happen again. My heart was beating fast as I was thinking.

"You ok?" I herd her sweet voice ask. She was so caring.

"Sorry did my heart wake you?" I asked regretting the thoughts popping into my head to make my heart go gap crazy, that woke her up.

"No, just thoughts" she explained "I just felt your heart beat fast all of a sudden. Just seeing if your not having a heart attack or something" she chuckled a little. That's one sweet sound I have missed over the years. I tightened my grip and kissed her head.

"I have a lot of explaining tomorrow" I said.

"Is it bad?" She asked, as if she herd the fear on my tone.

"Goodnight gorgeous, get some rest" and before I knew it it was silent again.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I havnt updated, been super busy with life and shit hahahaha. Thank you so much for reading and I'm really sorry again. Keep reading and voting and comenting! Thanks guys:)

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