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"Baby, I'm home!" Matt's cheery voice yelled from the front door. You quickly wiped your tears, shaking your anxious hands. You tried to figure out what to do, you were a mess. Your small fingers ran through your hair. Matt's footsteps neared.

"Baby girl?" He yelled from the steps.

"Y-yeah?" You tried to clear your throat.

"I got you something!" His voice was so close.

"Matt, don't come in!" You shouted.

Matt waited outside the door for a moment. You sniffled as you tried to clean up using the mirror above the bed, but the black makeup streaks did not want to budge. "Babe, are you okay?" He knocked on the door. You quickly ran to lock it. "Babe, why did you lock the door."

"You can't see me like this, Matt."

"(Y/N), open this door right now." His fists hit the door. His voice was worried, cracking when he said your name. "Darling, please."

Your shaking hand reached for the lock, slowly turning it hearing it click. Your tears still poured as Matt wiggled the doorknob. He pushed the door open quickly. He saw you, his wide, brown eyes softening. He looked at your quivering lip, your red cheeks, and your red eyes. He ran up to you, tangling his hand in your hair. He let his left hand grip your lower back. He pulled you into his warm body. Your hands gripped his white tee shirt tightly, balling it up in your hands. Sobs escaped your mouth. Matt's arms pulled you up and carried you to the soft bed. He sat  you down on the edge, squatting down to look into your crystal eyes. His thumb swiped under them, ridding you of the tears. 

"Baby?" He questioned softly.

You were never one to let the hate get to you. You knew who you were, as did Matt, and he loved you unconditionally. The tweets don't bother you because at the end of the day, you were the one he held. You weren't a slut, you weren't in it for the money. You were in it for Matt. The way he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world, the little things he did to show he loves you, how he would embarrass you but kiss you to make up for it. You were never mean to the fans, you let him kiss their cheek because you knew how much he meant to them. You even offered to take the picture. You've missed dinner reservations because you wanted them to meet him.

His hand brushed your hair behind your ear, twirling a piece of it with his fingers. He cupped your face, pulling you to look into his eyes. You took a deep breath.

"You know I'm a trooper when it comes to, the, um, hate." You stumbled. You couldn't look into his eyes. "Today was just bad."

Your jittery hands picked at your nail polish. Matt grabbed them, planting a small kiss on the top of your shaking hand hands.

You went on. "I guess after a while of bottling it all up, I just broke today. I saw some of the things they were saying, you know the usual. I can't say anything back, I wouldn't do that to you or put you in that position. I just wish they new how bad it hurt. Matt, I don't think I can do this anymore..."

Matt stood up. His hands gripped the ends of the long hoodie he was wearing. Tugging it off his body, he slipped it over your head. He pulled your hair out from under the neckline of his gray, cotton shirt, which came to your mid thigh, covering the top part of your leggings. It was something he always did when you were upset, because somehow it calmed you even more.

"Now you listen to me right now. You are the love of my life, no matter what they say. I love you with all my heart. You may move on and forget about me, you may even get married, but I will never stop loving you. The first time I saw you, call it cheesy, but I knew I was in love. You were sitting on the bench inside the movie theater, waiting on your friend to come back from the bathroom. You had one of the largest popcorn buckets ever known to man, next to you was two equally as large cokes. You dug your hand down in the buttered treat, stuffing the handful in your mouth. You started coughing, choking on the popcorn, and I thought you were about to die. I started to run over to you. But you just reached for one of the drinks, knocking the other over and spilling it all on the floor. You ignored it as you chugged down the one you had. You were finally able to breathe when I was only two feet in front of you. Your hand was on your heavy rising chest, then you looked up and saw me. Your face turned bright red and you smiled, throwing up your small hand in an awkward wave. You were embarrassed and it was the cutest thing ever. I helped you clean up the spilled drink, and as soon as I looked up and into your eyes, I knew I was in love with you. Nobody can take you away from me, baby girl. Please don't ever leave me, w-we can work this out."

He was crying. He couldn't bare the thought of you leaving him. He loved you with every bone in his body, every thought he had was of you, and everything he saw reminded him of you.

"Matt," you whispered, standing up. "You know I can't leave you."

Your arms flung around his neck, holding him tightly as you both cried. His lips pressed against the top of your head and he pulled you up. Your legs wrapped around him as he held you tightly, rocking you back and fourth like a child.

"Look at me, beautiful." He said. Your eyes looked into his. "I am in complete and utter love with you."

His lips crashed to yours. His kiss was sweet and slow. It was the type of kiss that left you wanting more, leaving you with a taste of nicotine. You felt as though you would become addicted. He was your drug, your cravings, he was all you wanted. He was your home.

And as your lips parted, you couldn't shake the rush or the butterflies. Your hand touched his soft cheek, feeling the heat in his face. As for you, not only was your face holding a blush, but your whole body was burning as well. However, you didn't care that you most likely looked like a lobster. Your mind was at rest, the only thought was the desire to have Matt's lips on yours once more. He laid the two of you down on the bed, holding you close to him as he threw the soft blanket over your cold, cuddled bodies. 

"Matt," you said as you snuggled back into his chest. His arms wrapped protectively around you. "Please don't let me go."

His lips pressed against the top of your head. "Now why would I want to do that, beautiful?"

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now