Cuddling Matt and Burnie

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"Ow OW!" Matt cheered as you walked back into his room. "My baby girl is lookin FINE in my sweats."

You blushed deeply, trying to hide your face so he wouldn't see. He chuckled, a smile spreading on his face.

"Darling, please wipe off that look on your face- why do you look in pain?"

You looked in pain because you were trying not to let the feels consume you. Matt was in a plain white tee shirt and black basketball shorts. His hair was messy, and burnie was cuddled at the foot of his bed.

"Because you piss me off... Stop being cute."

"And you, me," he smirked with a wink. "But I do love you, darling, and I'd really appreciate your cuddles right now."

Your folded arms loosened, starting to give into his cuteness.

"I think burnie was hoping for a little love,too."

"Ugh fine," you huffed. "But only for Burnie."

You were quickly cuddled with your back against Matt's chest, and Burnie soon found himself the exact way in your chest. You three were a giant, spooning mass.

Matt's face was dug into your hair, pressing his lips against the back of your head. "I love you, princess, goodnight."

"Oh, and you, too, Burns," Matt finished off.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now