Soft Depression

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Lately, I had been depressed. I felt sad all the time, like nothing could go right. I'm not sure why, but I did. Not like a hard depression, more calm compared to how some others feel. The feeling I had now was terrible, and I felt for the people who have it worse than I.

Luckily, there was Matt. Matt was my rock. He was there through it all, never once leaving my side. I hadn't gone out much for the past month, and he wasn't too happy about it. He tried to talk me into it last week.

"You should be getting out more!" He tried. "It'll brighten you up, don't you think?"

I just shrugged off the idea, continuing to eat my bowl of cereal. I snuggled back into him like I normally did, wishing for all of it to be over.

Eventually, he had convinced me to have the guys over. I lazily tidied the house, putting little effort into it. Matt waited on me hand and foot, I have no idea why he would even want to, but he did. That left almost nothing for me to do. I showered, curled my hair, and put on a yellow sundress. It felt weird to be out of my sweatpants.

"Well don't you look gorgeous," Matt smiled as he pulled me into his chest. He placed his lips against my temple. I smiled lightly.

"There's that beautiful smile I love," he whispered in my hair.

"Thank you, Matty," I looked up at him. I pecked my lips to his jaw lightly, his light stubble tickling me. "When will the boys be here?"

"About an hour. We should start the food."

The two of us made our way to the backyard to grill the steaks. Matt leaned over my shoulders to wrap an apron around me, then he put one around his body.

We spent the majority of the hour (about 45 minutes) making the food for the guys. The last 15 minutes we spent cuddling on the couch. Matt lied on his back, me lying with my stomach on top of him. He twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers, intently watching tv. I watched his soft expression, something I loved about him. When he was calm, a tiny smile would be playing at his lips, his eyes would be relaxed. I let my thumb trace across his sharp jawline, brushing across his sprouting beard.

"Why do you do that?" He asked. He turned his head to face me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Sometimes you just stare at me," he laughed.

"I love everything about you. The way you talk, the way you smile, your cute little freckle between your nostrils, how you're much taller than I. I love the way you love me. You never gave up on me, you treat me like a princess, I don't deserve you, but yet I have you."

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," he chuckled. "But I can say the same for you."

He lifted his face to kiss me, but stopped at the knock of the door. My face fell, my spirit dropping. It had only risen a bit, but it didn't compare to the amount that had fallen. Quickly, he pressed his lips to mine, before we got up.

Dinner went well; the Jacks told us about being invited to digitour, and how the guys who ran the tour wanted to bring Matt and Shawn along. Shawn was all for it, and Matt was too, just hesitant over me. I will literally force him to go if I have to; he deserves it. We ended up just sitting out on our deck afterwards. The spring air nipped at our skin, the gentle warm breeze brushing through our hair.

I sat on Matt's lap in one of the reclined pool chairs. The guys and their girlfriends filled in the chair next to us. The lights hanging above us glistened down onto the still pool water. It was a relaxing sight, and with Matt running his fingers through my hair, I could easily fall asleep. I shifted to where I was lying fully on top of him; I could hear his steady heartbeat incline a bit, I could feel his chest rise with every breath he took.
My eyes seemed heavy with each blink weighing down more and more every time.


I woke to the smell of scrambled eggs and bacon. I could hear a spoon being stirred in a glass; the obnoxious clanking as it moved each time was the reason of my awakening.

Soon, a sleepy Matt appeared inside the doorway. He offered a drowsy smile. In his hands was a tray full of breakfast. His muscular body found its way into the spot beside me in the large, white bed.

"So," he began as I nibbled on my toast. "I've been thinking."

He took a drink of my chocolate milk that he had finished mixing a minute ago. I nodded for him to continue.

"I really want to go on tour again. I miss the fans, and I miss seeing their smiles. I know you need me and want me... There are many girls that co-"

I interjected, "Matt, you know me better than anyone else. You know I'd never make you either choose between me and the fame or to give it up; I know how much you feel about it, and I don't want to hold you back. I trust you with every bone in my body. Hell, I trust you with my life."

A smile spread on his soft face.

"That's why I wanted to give you this." Matt rolled on his side to look at me. He reached in his sagging sweatpants' pocket and pulled out a small box. Opening it, I saw a ring sitting perfectly still. It had intricate wiring that was scattered with tiny diamonds, somewhat resembling twigs on a branch. The middle held a clear diamond.

"I want you to know how much I love you. Now this isn't a wedding ring, because we're only in our twenties, but a promise ring. I have clear intentions on marrying you, just not yet. It's also my promise to you that I will stay faithful and that I will always love you." He finally looked at me with his beautiful eyes. "D-do you accept it?"

"Of course I do, Matt. I love you so much."

The branches wrapped perfectly around my chubby sausage finger. To Matt, it might've symbolized his true feelings and staying faithful. However, for me, it not only symbolizes Matt's love for me, but also that I would be okay. One step at a time, I could get trough it. All with the help of my best friend, my lover, and the source of my happiness. He was the living, walking definition of a sunshine.

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