Fancy Dinner 2

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You guys would be going out to a very nice restaurant.  Matt had planned it out months prior but you had no idea. Your day had been crap, seeming as everything could go wrong, and somehow, it did. You kept glancing through your mirror at your red dress hanging on the door of your closet, scared to put it on. You were afraid you'd get something on it.

Matt knocked at the door, clearing his throat before saying, "is my princess almost ready for her night out?"

"Almost, Matt," you'd sigh as you roughly brushed on your bronzer. You were half-assing it, just lazily slopping the brush on your cheek. You sat at your vanity table, looking through your makeup to find your eye shadow.

Matt opened the door, looking at you with a worried expression.

"What's wrong, my baby girl?" He asked as he came behind you. He looked at you through the reflection of the mirror. He was nice and cleaned up in his black suit and tie. Black jacket and a black button up. His hair was pushed to the side, a messy, yet very hot look on him. His large hands started rubbing your shoulders lightly. "You've seemed out of it all day."

"It just seems like I can't win today," you huff as you finished your makeup. You stood up to go get your dress, but were moved by Matt to the door.

"Matt!" You cried. "I can't leave yet! I haven't gotten dressed yet."

You looked down at his button up that you were wearing (so you wouldn't mess up your hair when you went to put on your dress),

"We aren't leaving yet, my love." Matt pushed you to look at the long mirror that hung on the back of the door. He stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. They quickly dropped to your hips, pulling you tightly against Matt as he hugged you from behind. He kissed the top of your perfectly curled head.

"You see that?" He asked, nodding his head at the mirror. "That girl right there? She's my girl friend. That beautiful girl doesn't realize how much she means to me. She's my world, my everything. Without her, I wouldn't know what to do. Maybe somedays don't go her way, but eventually things work out. Either way, I'll be with her every single step, because I love her."

"Oh, Matt," you'd crack a smile, turning your head to look at him. "You always know how to make me feel like the only girl in the world."

You'd lean in to kiss him.

"That's because you are to me."

Your hand pushed his chest back. "Okay, Mr. Espinosa, that was abnormally cheesy. What Nicholas Sparks book did you eat?"

He'd smirk, "None. But I do love you."

"And I guess I love you, too."

And he'd lean down to kiss you (cause he's taller) THE END.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now