Found | Part 2

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You just new from the moment you met the boy that he would be a permanent rock in your life. As he introduced himself to you as Matt, you guys quickly sparked up a conversation about your music choice. Your cheeks reddened, Justin Bieber was always a secret obsession to you. Only your closest friends knew, who were just as equally as obsessed as you.

You invited Matt to sit next to you on the bench, and you talked about how he, too, liked Justin Bieber. At the time, you wouldn't have guessed that he would soon be best friends with him. The wind picked up this time, even more harshly than before. The skies turned dark, and your stomach growled. You groaned in response, cheeks reddening at the whale  that sounded from your tummy.

Matt chuckled, "you know, it's about to storm, and you seem hungry. Wanna grab a bite?"

"I couldn't ask you to do that. I'm only a few blocks down from here, I'll be okay," you smiled.

"By the look of the skies, the storm will be here before one block... Please?" Matt pouted.

"Well, I guess so," you caved in.

Matt shortly became your rock. You annoyed your friend with details about him, and she wanted to kill you. But she couldn't, she could tell how happy you were. She was the only person who knew about Matt for a few months. That changed when Matt came over for dinner one night, meeting your parents, and soon your Instagram feed was full of pictures of you two, and the occasional Burnie. Matt pulled out out of your hole of sadness.

Your friends had loved him, and his friends loved you; in fact, they often teased you both and always referred to you both as a couple. Although neither of you could see it at the time, you were both falling extremely hard and fast for each other, and neither of you could think of anyone you'd rather be with.

Three years later you graduated high school, dating in your freshman year of college. Four years later, after college, you both moved into a small LA apartment together. All these moments led up to one thing: present day.

That was Matt's speech, ten years later. Your eyes were locked with his as he fished in his pocket. Then, in the blink of an eye, he began to kneel down. Your stomach was knotting up, every bone in your body was shaking.

"I am in love with you. Ten years ago, I never would have thought that I would find my best friend. You were in a terrible state, one you had told me millions of times you thought you'd never be able to make it out of, yet here you are. Looking as gorgeous as ever with a radiant smile shining and sparkling beautifully. You've become my world. So, I was wondering... (Your Full Name), will you marry me?"

You sobbed, croaking out a yes, and joyfully wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms gripped out tightly, neither of your smiles fading. You couldn't wait to marry your best friend, and truly live happily ever after.

(((Hope you all enjoyed. Idk if I'll do a part three or not, but we will see. IF YOU LIKE SHAWN, PLEASE CHECK  OUT MY NEW IMAGINE FOR HIM! IT'S IN MY MAGCON AND OMAHA IMAGINES BOOK ON MY PROFILE!!!😁💖)))

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