2- Shot in The Dark

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I was finally excused from dinner and ran up to my room to try and get some sleep. And as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

~Page Break~

I woke up that morning to my dad screaming at me from downstairs. "Riker! Get your ass up out of bed and get down here. NOW!" He screamed.

I knew that no one else was home. Mom said something about her going to the grocery store with Rydel or something like that last night at dinner. Ryland usually had a football game on the weekends so Rocky usually takes him.

I forced myself out of bed and down the stairs. At the bottom stood my dad, Mark. He had an evil grin on his face. Scary thoughts popped into my head just by looking at him.

I tell myself that this feeling will fade, and I know, and I know, and I know that it won't,

"You're all mine tonight Rikey" he growled. All feeling in my body instantly faded away as he grabbed my arm and yanked me into the kitchen. He had a death grip on my arm. Mark pushed me onto the kitchen counter and ripped off my pants.

"No!" I yelled, but soon got slapped for it.

"Do NOT yell at me! You will not speak UNLESS spoken to!" He slapped me once more before pulling my boxers down. He grabbed my right butt cheek and squeezed it with his hand.
Mark then got some rope out of the draw and tied my hands together. He then dragged me over to the dining room and pushed me on top of the table.

And the feeling of getting you closer is taking me under,
And the closer I'm getting to closure is making me wonder,

Mark tied my arms and feet to the table, making sure he did the knots tightly so the ropes dug deep into my skin. I whimpered a bit, but soon got whipped. Wait, a whip? Where the fuck did he get that from?
Mark then climbed onto the table, which surprisingly held our weight.
"Scream and I whip you so hard you wish you hadn't ever been born!" He warned. I didn't care if I got whipped, I was more worried at the fact that he was gonna fucking rape me!

"HEEEELLLLLPPPP! SOME ONE! HEE-" I was cut short once again. A loud crack was heard before a burning pain spread through my chest. It was so bloody painful, even the Devil would cry.

"I THOUGHT I TOKD YOU NOT TO MAKE A SOUND YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH!" he screamed in my face, as he whipped me in between words. Mark then proceeded to shove his dick up my ass without warning or lube. I screamed in pain as he shoved it in and out. His dry skin rubbing against my walls hurt like fucking hell. Mark started to whip my chest almost as hard as he did before. I cried and cried and cried because no one was going to save me...


I was at the airport about to board my flight back to Colorado. I was currently in L.A at collage- well, kinda. The collage I was at got closed for a few months after some guys got drunk and set a fire that nearly killed them and 12 other people on campus. The fire burnt down nearly half of the school and the guys were charged and then put into jail. School gave us permission to leave and go on a short vacation while campus got fixed, so I decided to go home until I can come back here to L.A.
"Enjoy your flight," a male flight attendant smiled at me.

"I will." I smiled back. I then proceeded to my seat, where there was a girl, probably in her 30's, with blonde hair and WAY too much make-up. Like she had a cake face that you could literally peel off if you wanted to. The chick looked like Miranda sings crossed with Nichole Arbour for gods sake! I sat down next to her. This seemed to catch her attention as she instantly turned towards me and started to rub her hands all over my chest.

"Hey handsome. I hear they have a pretty big bathroom on this plane... maybe we could go do something special?" she whispered in my ear. My facial expression turned to disgust. Oh god, I thought to myself, she's a slut!

And I know that there's something about you,
And the way that I want to,
There's something about you I'm drawn to,
But there's nothing I can do,

"Umm, no thanks... I'm not even interested." I say as I remove her hands and place them on her own lap. But as soon as I took my hands away from hers, she grabbed them and started to rub her hands upland down my arms.

"Oh come on baby, don't think I don't know you want some. Stop playing hard to get!" she smiled.


"Ma-am, I think you need to keep your hands to yourself because I am REALLY not interested!" I said calmly but now starting to get very annoyed. I kept on trying to get her hands off of me, but she STILL didn't get the message! I had to sit there for 2 HOURS of her trying to drag me into the bathroom to have sex with me. She tried everything, she even said stuff like
'I'll get one of these kinky flight attendants to come in with us if that's what you want!'.
Like WTF?

When the plane finally landed and we were able to exit, I grabbed my things and ran out of there as fast as I could. I swear she's on drugs! I got my luggage and when to grab a cab. I didn't have to wait long before a yellow taxi pulled up next to me. I put my bags in the boot, got in and told the driver my address. He drove there in about 10 minutes and helped me unload my bags. I payed and thanked him before walking up the driveway to the house I haven't seen in 7 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. I thought it would be a good idea to surprise my family by not calling them. I walked up to the door, trying not to make much noise with my bags. I picked up the rock that was in the plant pot next to the door. I opened the rock and inside was a key to the house. I pressed my ear up to the door and tried to see if anyone was in there. I know that Ryland would be out at his football game with Rocky, so that means that either mom, dad, Rydel or Riker must've been at home.

For some reason, the name 'Riker' always brought goosebumps to my skin. Maybe because he way my youngest sibling, or maybe it was because he looked so much like me, or maybe because he was my closest and favourite sibling. I don't know what it was but I always thought about him when ever I played hockey or watching a scary movie or something, anything.

I've seen you in my dreams,
You turn them to gold and shatter their bones,
As broken as we seem,
We give up our heart,
A shot in the dark,

I couldn't hear much from the out side the house but I'm sure I heard screaming. I quickly, but quietly, unlocked the door and entered the house. The noise of screaming and something cracking could be heard throughout the whole house. I stepped outside and quickly dialled 911. I told them what I heard and the address. They said they'd be here in less than 10 minutes before I hung up. I stepped back inside and followed the dreadful noises. They lead my to the dinning room where I found my dad raping my youngest, innocent, little brother.


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