16- Amanda Seyfried, You Slut

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Idk how Uni works guys, just sayin it now \ ^ _^ /


Moving away from home, where my pregnant boyfriend awaited for my return, was the least of my worries. I had bigger issues. Well,  A  bigger issue.

Amanda Seyfried
• The biggest whore on Campus.
• America's new, untalented version of Taylor Swift.
• One of many girls to try to get into my pants...

For the past few months that I've been back, Amanda has constantly sat next to me in the various classes we had together. She smells my hair all the time, she walks me to every class, she makes me sit with her and her friends whenever she gets the chance, she wraps her hands around my arm and one time she tried to sneak into my dorm. She's threatened any girl in and out of campus who ever even talked or looked at me. And yes, even the lesbians.

Every time I ignore her, tell her to stop and walk away from her she thinks I'm playing 'Hard to Get'! She is SO annoying! I am beyond the point of wanting to strangle her! And I don't know how to get her to stop doing what she does. God help me if Riker saw her...

Today I had decided to wear a plain, grey, long sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans and black and white converse. (Classic, trusty converse, am I right?) It was already 8:15 am by the time I was walking to my first class of the day. I wasn't even near the classroom door when she walked up to me from behind. Guess what she was wearing. A plain, grey t-shirt with white skinny jeans and black and white converse.

"Hey babe," Amanda smiled as she bit her lip and twirled her blonde hair around her finger. I walked past her and started to the front of the classroom, where my group of friends were. Surprisingly, she follows behind me like a lost puppy.

Amanda grabbed my right hand with her left and my bicep with her right. When I tried to tug my arm out of her grip, her fingers tightened.
"Let go of my arm." I said sternly as I looked her in the eye. Amanda only glared back and dug her nails into my arm.

"Let's go sit with my friends." She half growled like the monster she is, before she literally dragged me towards the back of the classroom, almost making me trip, to where her snobby (yet probably terrified of her) friends sat.

"Isn't this nice?" She beamed. She pushed me down on a random seat and then sat on my lap, her legs hanging over my left leg. Her left hand played with my hair, while the other guided my hands towards her hips. I immediately moved my hands, of coarse, as I didn't like her at all! Her hand then started to rub against my chest. I really should stop her... "You sitting up here with me and my friends, instead of those slobs that you call friends who sit down there... Tell me Rossy-boo, why do you hang out with them when you could be with us instead? I mean we-" Amanda looked over her shoulder and glanced towards her friends. She then quickly looked to me again before speaking. "Well, I am everything you need."


"No." I spat, before I stood up, making her fall to the ground, and walked away and out of that class. I feel filthy. She was touching me, playing with my hair. Touching my chest. Only one person is allowed to do that, and that's Riker!
The love of my life...

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